react-native: v0.45.0+ - VirtualizedList slow performance and rendering

The rendering of VirtualizedList (namely <SectionList>) has extremely poor performance. I will be submitting a PR that seems fixes the issue introduced by this line per this commit There are a few more instances of the change from this._updateCellsToRenderBatcher.schedule(); to this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate();. Therefore I believe that there is more work to be done in order to fully fix this issue.

To reproduce, simply use RN v0.45.x+ and create a <SectionList> with a lot of records. The performance is horrible compared to v0.44.x. However I need v0.45.x since it brings the scrollTo* methods on <SectionList> component.

cc @sahrens

About this issue

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  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 2
  • Comments: 18 (9 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@tjmadsen I haven’t found a silver bullet solution, but i’ve made some changes on my FlatList configurations that improved a lot, not 100%, but enough to keep using the new version. It was a lot of minor changes but there was 2 that I noticed had the most impact:

  • To reduce the FlatList prop “windowSize” from 21 to just 5. It brings some disadvantages, but on my case it was worth it. Check the flatlist/virtualized list documentation to see if it applies on your case;
  • To set the “maxToRenderPerBatch” to just 2. Almost the same as the change cited above, as each of my items occupies roughly 70% of the screen, loading 2 gives me some space.

The major drawback with these was not being able to do smooth fast scrolling, but in may case the performance boost paid off.