react-native: "Loading dependency graph, done." Stuck

I’ve been trying to run cli code where I do node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start and it does everything right until

Metro Bundler ready.

Loading dependency graph, done.

then it’s just stuck there, nothing else.


OS: Windows 10 Node: 8.9.3 Yarn: 1.3.2 npm: 5.5.1 Watchman: Not Found Xcode: N/A Android Studio: Not Found

Packages: (wanted => installed) react: 15.4.2 => 16.3.1 react-native: 0.42.3 => 0.55.3

Steps to Reproduce

Download then run npm start

Expected Behavior

Run the code normally, show QR code and show the rest of the options

Actual Behavior

Stops doing anything after loading dependancy graph.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 7
  • Comments: 36 (1 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

i solved it by changing App.json and package.json as per when create first app App.json

{ “expo”: { “sdkVersion”: “27.0.0” } }

package.json - change jest and add expo dependencies

{ “name”: “canary”, “version”: “0.1.0”, “private”: true, “devDependencies”: { “react-native-scripts”: “1.14.0”, “jest-expo”: “~27.0.0”, “react-test-renderer”: “16.3.1” }, “main”: “./node_modules/react-native-scripts/build/bin/crna-entry.js”, “scripts”: { “start”: “react-native-scripts start”, “eject”: “react-native-scripts eject”, “android”: “react-native-scripts android”, “ios”: “react-native-scripts ios”, “test”: “jest” }, “jest”: { “preset”: “jest-expo” }, “dependencies”: { “expo”: “^27.0.1”, “react”: “16.3.1”, “react-native”: “~0.55.2” } }

Just reinstall Watchman

adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 worked for me

I’m pretty sure the issue here is that people are having small local problems with their setup. I recommend restarting everything, upgrading to the latest version of RN, and then Metro and RN should work well together.

ended up changing package.json:

From - … “scripts”: { “android”: “react-native run-android”, “ios”: “react-native run-ios”, “web”: “expo start --web”, “start”: “react-native start”, “test”: “jest” } … To - … “scripts”: { “android”: “react-native run-android”, “ios”: “react-native run-ios”, “web”: “expo start --web”, “start”: “expo start”, “test”: “jest” } …

now i can call “npm start” which will start the server and launch a new browser page that shows everything as well. It will also display the QR code in VSCode terminal and Cmdline.

Worked for me, Open Command prompt as Administrator Go to app location and enter

react-native start

it goes till Loading dependency graph, done. Then keep it open Open another command prompt window as Administrator Goto app location and enter

react-native run-android

Keep running both tabs of command prompt simultaneously solved issue for me. For mac users, Open terminal instead of Command prompt.

Closing simulator and and running again worked for me.

Figured it out – turns out from another project I had ended up installing node 12.x

Looks like react native isn’t compatible with node 12.x (yet). I used nvm to switch over to 10.x and ran yarn install again and it’s all working now.

same problem

If you guys haven’t using the newly merged react & expo, try react-native run-android or react-native run-ios instead of using npm start or yarn start. From here, I got the error to pop up.

Try chmod 755 android/gradlew if running on Android, then run react-native run-android again. If say … it fails on opening the zip file, that means the file is corrupted and not downloaded properly. Try to download the gradle manually here and put it to where the builder tries to unzip the files into (e.x: C:\Android\wrapper\dists\gradle-4.4-all)

also try adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

Or try use the simulator option if running on iOS, like this: react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 6s"

Otherwise try Expo SDK, have no errors ever since.

Reload my device and running it again worked for me.

Facing the same issue 😦

Metro Bundler ready. Loading dependency graph, done. than stuck nothing happens.

Environment: OS: macOS 10.14 Node: 8.12.0 Yarn: Not Found npm: 6.4.1 Watchman: 4.9.0 Xcode: Xcode 10.0 Build version 10A255 Android Studio: Not Found

Packages: (wanted => installed) react: ^16.6.0-alpha.8af6728 => 16.3.1 react-native: ^0.57.3 => 0.55.4

Any solution, please.

Same problem here with iOS. Reinstalled Watchman, but still facing the same issue.