react-native: Custom fonts not working on React-Native 0.62

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I’m trying to use a custom font on my app but it doesn’t work. I have followed numerous steps from other similar questions but nothing works.

I’m not getting any error.

The path to the assets folder:

This is what I tried:

  1. Creating react-native.config.js file on root project with the following code:
module.exports = {
    project: {
      ios: {},
      android: {},
    assets: ['./src/assets/fonts']
  1. Running react-native link: This didnt give me any errors:
info Linking assets to ios project
info Linking assets to android project
success Assets have been successfully linked to your project
  1. Naming the font exactly as its named in styles WITHOUT using any fontWeight:
<Text style={[styles.texto_Titulo, {fontFamily: "LatoBlack"}]}>

Recompiling with npx react-native run-android after react-native link

In android/src/main/assets/fonts they get correctly added. The name I use is the same and is correct, and I also tried changing the names to lower case but that didn’t work.

Why is this not working?

React Native version:

Binaries: Node: 13.9.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE Yarn: Not Found npm: 6.13.7 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD Watchman: Not Found SDKs: Android SDK: Not Found IDEs: Android Studio: Version AI-192.7142.36.36.6241897 Languages: Python: 2.7.17 npmPackages: @react-native-community/cli: Not Found react: 16.9.0 => 16.9.0 react-native: ^0.62.0 => 0.62.0 npmGlobalPackages: react-native: Not Found

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions: 7
  • Comments: 29

Most upvoted comments

thankyou sir @lauriharpf , my problem is using fontWeight worked on iOS and Android with RN 0.62.2. If it’s not working for you:


  1. Are your fonts in TTF format?
  2. Did you rename font files as in the article (filename without prefix matches PostScript name)?
  3. Have a) font files been copied to /android/app/src/main/assets/fonts and b) do ios/MyProjectName/Info.plist & ios/MyProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj contain rows with the font file names? If not:
    • Did you run npx react-native link (or react-native link, depending on your setup)?
    • Did you create the react-native.config.js as in the article? (note the two dots, .config.js)
  4. Do you use fontWeight? If yes, try removing it (can cause problems on Android, see ).
  5. Is your style definition correct, e.g. style={{ fontFamily: "SFUIDisplay-Bold" }}? Try it on other <Text> elements in your app to weed out problems related to the element itself (e.g. the fontWeight issue).
  6. Have you stopped the Metro bundler and any emulators (e.g. rebooted your machine)?
  7. Have you tried other fonts than the ones you actually want? Try e.g. the fonts in the article to rule out problems with your fonts.
  8. Are you using Expo instead of vanilla React Native? If yes, check out

Good luck!

same issue in version 0.62

I got it working by changing the directory of the assets/fonts folder from the android/src/main/assets to android/app/src/main/assets/fonts i think the problem is somehow in the linking process/react-native-cli. This is temporary solution for the problem. But we want it to be fixed as soon as possible, Thanks

I have followed the exact same thing mentioned here and it works

Using: Mac OS && React Native 0.62

  1. Create a Folder called assets & Create a Fonts folder inside it.
  2. Place the fonts in TTF format within there
  3. run npx react-native link (I am using native CLI)
  4. Open and see your Info.plist and android/app/main/assets/fonts you will see your fonts.

@anwersolangi did you fix for iOS?

Do NOT use FONT-WEIGHT this was the main culprit for fonts not working on Android… worked on iOS and Android with RN 0.62.2. If it’s not working for you:


  1. Are your fonts in TTF format?

  2. Did you rename font files as in the article (filename without prefix matches PostScript name)?

  3. Have a) font files been copied to /android/app/src/main/assets/fonts and b) do ios/MyProjectName/Info.plist & ios/MyProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj contain rows with the font file names? If not:

    • Did you run npx react-native link (or react-native link, depending on your setup)?
    • Did you create the react-native.config.js as in the article? (note the two dots, .config.js)
  4. Do you use fontWeight? If yes, try removing it (can cause problems on Android, see ).

  5. Is your style definition correct, e.g. style={{ fontFamily: "SFUIDisplay-Bold" }}? Try it on other <Text> elements in your app to weed out problems related to the element itself (e.g. the fontWeight issue).

  6. Have you stopped the Metro bundler and any emulators (e.g. rebooted your machine)?

  7. Have you tried other fonts than the ones you actually want? Try e.g. the fonts in the article to rule out problems with your fonts.

  8. Are you using Expo instead of vanilla React Native? If yes, check out

Good luck!

Just remove fontWeight guys

Was it fixed? I’m using react native newest version to test but it seems to not working I followed 2 links

When i ran react-native link. I saw the fonts were linked to android/app/src/main/assets/fonts But nothing special then. For the ios, it’s working smoothly. Please give me some advices. Thank in advance!

@anwersolangi did you fix for iOS?

I use this for android development only.

@ilya-raevskiy I’ve tried to remove react-native.config.js and added the code below to package.json It’s working now. But i think you can keep react-native.config.js.

"rnpm": { "assets": [ "./src/assets/fonts" ] }

then rm -rf node_module && yarn install && react-native run-android worked on iOS and Android with RN 0.62.2. If it’s not working for you:


  1. Are your fonts in TTF format?

  2. Did you rename font files as in the article (filename without prefix matches PostScript name)?

  3. Have a) font files been copied to /android/app/src/main/assets/fonts and b) do ios/MyProjectName/Info.plist & ios/MyProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj contain rows with the font file names? If not:

    • Did you run npx react-native link (or react-native link, depending on your setup)?
    • Did you create the react-native.config.js as in the article? (note the two dots, .config.js)
  4. Do you use fontWeight? If yes, try removing it (can cause problems on Android, see ).

  5. Is your style definition correct, e.g. style={{ fontFamily: "SFUIDisplay-Bold" }}? Try it on other <Text> elements in your app to weed out problems related to the element itself (e.g. the fontWeight issue).

  6. Have you stopped the Metro bundler and any emulators (e.g. rebooted your machine)?

  7. Have you tried other fonts than the ones you actually want? Try e.g. the fonts in the article to rule out problems with your fonts.

  8. Are you using Expo instead of vanilla React Native? If yes, check out

Good luck!

Font weight was breaking the family worked on iOS and Android with RN 0.62.2. If it’s not working for you: Double-check

  1. Are your fonts in TTF format?

  2. Did you rename font files as in the article (filename without prefix matches PostScript name)?

  3. Have a) font files been copied to /android/app/src/main/assets/fonts and b) do ios/MyProjectName/Info.plist & ios/MyProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj contain rows with the font file names? If not:

    • Did you run npx react-native link (or react-native link, depending on your setup)?
    • Did you create the react-native.config.js as in the article? (note the two dots, .config.js)
  4. Do you use fontWeight? If yes, try removing it (can cause problems on Android, see ).

  5. Is your style definition correct, e.g. style={{ fontFamily: "SFUIDisplay-Bold" }}? Try it on other <Text> elements in your app to weed out problems related to the element itself (e.g. the fontWeight issue).

  6. Have you stopped the Metro bundler and any emulators (e.g. rebooted your machine)?

  7. Have you tried other fonts than the ones you actually want? Try e.g. the fonts in the article to rule out problems with your fonts.

  8. Are you using Expo instead of vanilla React Native? If yes, check out

Good luck!

Just remove fontWeight guys

Thanks Dude . You made my day

Use the manual Linking procedure in this guide For both iOS and Android.

I also got the same issue… I follow the guideline I Created the react-native.config.js file with module.exports = { project: { ios: {}, android: {}, }, assets: [‘./assets/fonts’], };

run the npx react-native link and also tried with yarn react-native link and there is no error. I saw the fonts in the android/src/main/assets/fonts folder with my fonts. I use the same and correct font name which i used in the fonts file but still not getting the desired/custom fonts. I also tried to make the font name in lower case also but that did not work also. Please look over the issue and resolve it. Thanks