react-native: borderRadius is never applied on Android when image contains another component

While working perfectly on iOS, border radius is never applied to an image if it contains any other component:

<Image style={ { borderRadius: 10, width: 300, height: 100 } } source={{ uri: '' }}> <Text>SampleText</Text> </Image>

ios: ios

android: android

I am using RN 0.29.0, and this is happening across all Android devices. I am currently building from osx

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 8 years ago
  • Reactions: 42
  • Comments: 26 (1 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Managed to solve the problem using the borderRadius attribute on the Image instead of providing as style. RN 0.40

  source={{uri: ''}}
  <MyCustomComponent />

using .54 and issue still exsists on android

This was fixed in RN 0.50.4

I managed to get around this by having the Text after the image and setting it to absolute/top:0.

<View style={container}>
  <Image {/*...*/} />
  <Text style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0 }}>{text}</Text>

This could could probably be fixed by using RN 0.30.0 (see v0.30.0 release notes )

this fixes for me <ImageBackground source={{ }} borderRadius={20}> <Text>Placeholder Text</Text> </ImageBackground>

I am using RN 0.51.0 and issue still persists

0.55 and still exists on android.

I tried it on RN 0.30 and on 0.31 RC, behavior doesn’t change.

@yazgazan seems to be reasonable workaround

I’d imagine the “fix” for this would be to wrap the image in a view that contains border radius instead. Eg. <View style = {{flex: 1, borderRadius: 10}} ><Image style={ {width: 300, height: 100 } } source={{ uri: '' }}> <Text>SampleText</Text> </Image> </View>