create-react-app: Hot reloading doesn't update Chrome sourcemaps

We have not merged hot reloading support yet but I noticed a very unfortunate issue: Chrome doesn’t update sourcemaps.

See how the Hello in browser Sources pane doesn’t change.

Note that if we change Webpack devtool setting from cheap-module-source-map to eval it will update on hot reloads:

It used to be broken too but at some point Chrome fixed it. I remember chatting with @paulirish about it in the past.

However we can’t switch to eval mode because we need the source mapping.

We should reach out to somebody at Chrome and figure out if this is fixable. We can live with the broken behavior for a while but if it’s not possible to fix later, then hot reloading experience would be confusing.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 2
  • Comments: 27 (10 by maintainers)

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The fix for has landed and will be available on tomorrow’s Canary.

update chrome Version 66.0.3359.117(64-bit) , the bug has fixed. 🙂

@onpaws : fwiw, I can verify that a copy of Chrome 66 correctly updates sourcemaps on hot reloading in my own non-CRA app.

We did poke them a few times. I think the issue even got a patch and it has a milestone. So I’m hopeful 🙂

@gaearon yeah, just change the Webpack config to include:

  // ...
  output: {
    // ...
    sourceMapFilename: "[file].map?[contenthash]"

This will use the workaround which makes the sourcemaps work in Chrome together with cheap-module-source-map.