create-react-app: High CPU usage while running on OS X

After running npm start, the node process consumes ~40% CPU on my machine:


I found that setting a polling interval in the the WebpackDevServer helped:

new WebpackDevServer(compiler, {
    historyApiFallback: true,
    hot: true, // Note: only CSS is currently hot reloaded
    publicPath: config.output.publicPath,
    quiet: true,

    // added this:
    watchOptions: {
      poll: 1000

Here were the settings I tried, and the resulting CPU usage:

poll: 1000  =>  4-6% CPU
poll: 500   =>  8-10% CPU
poll: 250   =>  14-16% CPU

There’s a tradeoff between CPU usage and how snappy the dev experience feels. To me, 1000ms felt sluggish, but 500ms felt pretty good. I couldn’t discern much difference between 500ms and 250ms.

It seems like adding some kind of polling interval would be a good idea to reduce the CPU usage.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 8 years ago
  • Reactions: 10
  • Comments: 31 (15 by maintainers)

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Closing then. If you’re having issues, try:

  1. Removing node_modules
  2. Updating react-scripts to the latest version in package.json (make sure you follow the migration instructions in changelog for every release you’re skipping)
  3. Updating npm (npm i -g npm@latest) or Yarn (yarn self-update)
  4. Running npm install (or yarn)

Can confirm here.

I updated from node 6.8.1 to node 7.1.0 yesterday and now the node process consumes 100% CPU on my machine.

screen shot 2016-11-16 at 15 40 02

I didn’t find anything relative to CPU usage and node 7 in Webpack issues.

I’m on El Capitan + latest version of CRA.

@gaearon @dceddia Should we reopen the issue or create a new one?

Edit: For those who have the same problem, you can downgrade with brew switch node x.x.x and list all the versions installed with brew info node.

That’s a good question. As far as I can tell poll defaults to true, which apparently means “poll like crazy”. It also seems to watch everything in node_modules by default – adding this ignore line cuts CPU usage to near-zero, even while leaving poll at its default setting:

watchOptions: {
  ignore: /node_modules/

I’m not sure if this is a good idea, since I noticed that has a few loaders that seem to depend on paths.appNodeModules, which I assume is the node_modules directory?

As another data point, my wife also has a Mac and hers doesn’t exhibit the high CPU usage while running npm. Different version of OS X (10.9 instead of 10.10) but I’m not sure what else is different.

Update: I’m also sad to report that node has stopped showing high CPU usage on my machine now, too. Sad because… what changed?

I’m running into this issue and I don’t see fsevents in my node_modules.

create-react-app 0.6.0 npm 4.0.2 node 7.2.0 macOS Sierra 10.12.2

CPU goes up to 140%, don’t even know how that is possible!

Seems to be a problem again with Node 7.0.0 and 7.1.0. macOS Sierra reporting CPU usage of 110% during “npm start” operation.

I wonder if we should just do something like this: