create-react-app: Babel Error on start - clean app

Describe the bug

I created a new/clean react app and on first run of the start script with no edits I get a Babel Error. See below for my CLI outout.

$ npx create-react-app price-grid
npx: installed 91 in 6.335s

Creating a new React app in C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid.

Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...

> core-js@2.6.10 postinstall C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\babel-runtime\node_modules\core-js
> node postinstall || echo "ignore"

> core-js@3.2.1 postinstall C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\core-js
> node scripts/postinstall || echo "ignore"

> core-js-pure@3.4.7 postinstall C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\core-js-pure
> node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

+ react-dom@16.12.0
+ react@16.12.0
+ react-scripts@3.2.0
added 1483 packages from 695 contributors and audited 904941 packages in 50.992s

15 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

Initialized a git repository.

Success! Created price-grid at C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid
Inside that directory, you can run several commands:

  npm start
    Starts the development server.

  npm run build
    Bundles the app into static files for production.

  npm test
    Starts the test runner.

  npm run eject
    Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files
    and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!

We suggest that you begin by typing:

  cd price-grid
  npm start

Happy hacking!

soliver@IS-SO-WIN10 MINGW64 /c/Users/soliver/Documents/react_module_dev
$ cd price-grid/

soliver@IS-SO-WIN10 MINGW64 /c/Users/soliver/Documents/react_module_dev/price-grid (master)
$ npm start

> price-grid@0.1.0 start C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid
> react-scripts start

Starting the development server...

Failed to compile.

Error: [BABEL] C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\react-dev-utils\webpackHotDevClient.js: Cannot find module './src/data'
Require stack:
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\core-js-compat\helpers.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\core-js-compat\get-modules-list-for-target-version.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\babel-preset-react-app\node_modules\@babel\preset-env\lib\polyfills\corejs3\entry-plugin.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\babel-preset-react-app\node_modules\@babel\preset-env\lib\index.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\babel-preset-react-app\dependencies.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\@babel\core\lib\config\files\plugins.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\@babel\core\lib\config\files\index.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\@babel\core\lib\index.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\babel-loader\lib\index.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\loader-runner\lib\loadLoader.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\loader-runner\lib\LoaderRunner.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\webpack\lib\NormalModule.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\webpack\lib\NormalModuleFactory.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\webpack\lib\Compiler.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\webpack\lib\webpack.js
- C:\Users\soliver\Documents\react_module_dev\price-grid\node_modules\react-scripts\scripts\start.js (While processing: "C:\\Users\\soliver\\Documents\\react_module_dev\\price-grid\\node_modules\\babel-preset-react-app\\dependencies.js$0$9")

Did you try recovering your dependencies?

Followed the Recommended fix steps and issue persists.

NPM Version: 6.13.1

Which terms did you search for in User Guide?

‘npm start error’ ‘babel error’ ‘npm start babel error’


Environment Info:

    OS: Windows 10
    CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1285 v6 @ 4.10GHz
    Node: 13.2.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    Yarn: Not Found
    npm: 6.13.1 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
    Edge: 44.18362.449.0
    Internet Explorer: 11.0.18362.1
    react: ^16.12.0 => 16.12.0
    react-dom: ^16.12.0 => 16.12.0
    react-scripts: 3.2.0 => 3.2.0
    create-react-app: Not Found

Steps to reproduce

  1. run npx create-react-app app-name
  2. enter command cd app-name
  3. enter command npm start

Expected behavior

Opens default react app in browser (no errors)

Actual behavior

Error output in CLI and Browser: (see description for CLI Error output) image

Reproducible demo

I didn’t change anything from what is provide immediately after running create-react-app

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions: 20
  • Comments: 15

Most upvoted comments

Looks like it’s because the npm cache hasn’t been updated yet, it’s a bug in core-js-compat

should fix itself soon?

if you run npm i -D core-js-compat@3.4.7 it should resolve the problem. Worked for me.

If you need it to work now and you cant wait for npm to be updated, you can run this: npm install core-js-compat@3.4.7 It made it work for me at least.

just as an update:

Looks like npm got their stuff fixed. It should work now as intended. (I just verified it on my machine)

npm steps:

  1. delete node_modules & package-lock
  2. remove core-js-compat from package.json dependencies if you installed it
  3. run npm install

As the create react app team likes to say… “Happy Hacking!” 😄

The fix has been released 1 hour ago but it isn’t downloaded by npm: Please 👍 that issue.

Same issue for all 25 of my students.

Same for me, was working fine 2 hours ago