fish-nvm: Default version / .nvmrc not working

Not sure why this is happening - nvm works well normally, but it’s a pain to manually select a specific version every time.

A new shell starts up with a node version of ‘none’. I’ve manually set a default version through nvm and verified that it works correctly in bash.

I don’t have a custom $NVM_DIR.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Comments: 35 (15 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@jiaweihli have you tried running nvm alias default 6.9.0 this will set your default node version to 6.9.0 (feel free to chose another one) whenever you open a new terminal?

@Lordnibbler why are you putting the .nvmrc on your home path ~/ ? that file should be inside your project folder. Let’s imagine you are working on project that requires a very specific node version, let’s say v4.4.4 you would do something like this:

cd /path/to/your/project
echo "4.4.4" > .nvmrc

Et voilà now when you use node inside this folder, it will pick the .nvmrc and use that specific version.

@lukiano that’s the default behaviour check

If you want you can create some sort of script that listens for folder changes and checks if there’s a .nvm

@FabioAntunes, thanks for the response!

I just realized that I’m in the fisherman/nvm instead of creationix/nvm… woops!

It actually appears as though I needed to call nvm use (with no arguments) once in the folder with the .nvmrc file and it started working after that.

^^^ I guess this is for anyone who stumbles upon this issue from a google search even if you aren’t using fisherman.

Ok, I discovered your problem @tanc, you have node installed outside of nvm, that makes node global available. So since you already have node on your $PATH, fish-nvm doesn’t source nvm. One solution is either uninstalled it and just use nvm, or wait a couple of days. I’m working on fix for this, so even if node exists we always source nvm

@jbucaran That’s why I created this so whenever you use node, npm, nvm and now also yarn, it checks if there’s a node already sourced, if not either source a local .nvmrc or source the default alias.

@jiaweihli I’m really sorry, but are you sure you have nvm properly installed? I have been using this since day one and I have never had any problems. I also have a couple of friends who use this and everything works for them. I know this sounds cliché, but could you please uninstall nvm and install it again using fisherman

It does work correctly if I set nvm use default in ~/.config/fish/, but this adds an extra 1 second overhead to every new terminal.

@FabioAntunes Yes, I’ve done that and it works correctly in bash - but not in fish.

@jiaweihli Just a reminder that there is also:

I use verman personally.