compose: Cannot mix Windows and Linux containers in docker-compose.yml
Attempting to mix windows and linux containers in a single docker-compose.yml
does not work.
Description of the issue
With the release of compose 1.21.0 I was expecting to be able to mix windows and linux containers.
Context information (for bug reports)
Windows 10 Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.371)
Docker Engine: 18.04.0-ce-win62 (17151)
Machine: 0.14.0
Compose: 1.21.0
Output of “docker-compose config”
image: microsoft/windowsservercore
image: nginx-alpine
platform: linux
version: '2.4'
Steps to reproduce the issue
- Switch to Windows containers
- Run
docker-compose up
Observed result
Creating network "test_default" with the default driver
Pulling mssql (microsoft/windowsservercore:)...
latest: Pulling from microsoft/windowsservercore
ERROR: cannot download image with operating system "windows" when requesting "linux"
Expected result
Containers to be started.
Additional information
OS version / distribution, docker-compose
install method, etc.
Using Edge install of Docker for Windows.
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 6 years ago
- Reactions: 4
- Comments: 15
This should be re-opened, since 3.x does not yet implement it.
Good news! After updating to Windows 10 1803 17134.1 the following compose file is working:
Yep - I’m seeing this as not working on Docker Engine 19.03.1 with a 3.7 compose file
How can this work? “platform” is an unsupported option in docker-compose version 1.21.1, build 7641a569