frigate: [Config Support]: Cannot play clip/recording from Unifi G3-Flex

Describe the problem you are having

I’m trying to establish if it is a problem with the camera video format, the web player in frigate or a bug. I’m testing Frigate at the moment, just starting with a coral TPU and so on. I have a fully working Unifi protect set up, so I’m trying to get the Unifi cameras to work on Frigate as a POC before I start moving from Unifi to regular cameras.

The screen shot below shows what is happening when a clip is recorded:


I thought this would be because the RTSP stream is coming from Unifi Protect NVR instead of directly from the camera, so I removed one of my cameras from the system, configured it as standalone and tried again, same result. I was suspecting it could be the encoding used on the video, but I’m not so sure. Unfortunately I don’t have any other non-unifi/ubiquity camera to test at the moment.

Also I noticed that after trying to play the clip, I navigate away to another part of Frigate, then come back to that event and now the clip tab is greyed out, the clip is gone. The same happens if I use the media browser in Home Assistant, if I try to play the clip, it fails and then a while later the clip is completely gone.



Frigate config file

  "birdseye": {
    "enabled": true,
    "height": 720,
    "mode": "objects",
    "quality": 8,
    "width": 1280
  "cameras": {
    "Front": {
      "best_image_timeout": 60,
      "birdseye": {
        "enabled": true,
        "mode": "objects"
      "detect": {
        "enabled": true,
        "fps": 5,
        "height": 1080,
        "max_disappeared": 25,
        "stationary": {
          "interval": 0,
          "max_frames": {
            "default": null,
            "objects": {}
          "threshold": 50
        "width": 1920
      "ffmpeg": {
        "global_args": [
        "hwaccel_args": [],
        "input_args": "-an",
        "inputs": [
            "global_args": [],
            "hwaccel_args": [],
            "input_args": [],
            "path": "rtsp://",
            "roles": [
        "output_args": {
          "detect": [
          "record": "-f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c:v copy -ar 44100 -c:a aac",
          "rtmp": "-c:v copy -f flv -ar 44100 -c:a aac"
      "ffmpeg_cmds": [
          "cmd": "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel warning -an -i rtsp:// -c:v copy -f flv -ar 44100 -c:a aac rtmp:// -r 5 -s 1920x1080 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p pipe:",
          "roles": [
      "live": {
        "height": 720,
        "quality": 8
      "motion": {
        "contour_area": 30,
        "delta_alpha": 0.2,
        "frame_alpha": 0.2,
        "frame_height": 50,
        "improve_contrast": false,
        "mask": "",
        "mqtt_off_delay": 30,
        "threshold": 25
      "mqtt": {
        "bounding_box": true,
        "crop": true,
        "enabled": true,
        "height": 270,
        "quality": 70,
        "required_zones": [],
        "timestamp": true
      "name": "Front",
      "objects": {
        "filters": {
          "car": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
          "keyboard": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
          "person": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
        "mask": "",
        "track": [
      "record": {
        "enabled": false,
        "events": {
          "objects": null,
          "post_capture": 5,
          "pre_capture": 5,
          "required_zones": [],
          "retain": {
            "default": 10,
            "mode": "motion",
            "objects": {}
        "expire_interval": 60,
        "retain": {
          "days": 0,
          "mode": "all"
        "retain_days": null
      "rtmp": {
        "enabled": true
      "snapshots": {
        "bounding_box": true,
        "clean_copy": true,
        "crop": false,
        "enabled": false,
        "height": null,
        "quality": 70,
        "required_zones": [],
        "retain": {
          "default": 10,
          "mode": "motion",
          "objects": {}
        "timestamp": false
      "timestamp_style": {
        "color": {
          "blue": 255,
          "green": 255,
          "red": 255
        "effect": null,
        "format": "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
        "position": "tl",
        "thickness": 2
      "ui": {
        "dashboard": true,
        "order": 0
      "zones": {}
    "Test": {
      "best_image_timeout": 60,
      "birdseye": {
        "enabled": true,
        "mode": "objects"
      "detect": {
        "enabled": true,
        "fps": 5,
        "height": 1080,
        "max_disappeared": 25,
        "stationary": {
          "interval": 0,
          "max_frames": {
            "default": null,
            "objects": {}
          "threshold": 50
        "width": 1920
      "ffmpeg": {
        "global_args": [
        "hwaccel_args": [],
        "input_args": "-an",
        "inputs": [
            "global_args": [],
            "hwaccel_args": [],
            "input_args": [],
            "path": "rtsp://",
            "roles": [
        "output_args": {
          "detect": [
          "record": "-f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c:v copy -ar 44100 -c:a aac",
          "rtmp": "-c:v copy -f flv -ar 44100 -c:a aac"
      "ffmpeg_cmds": [
          "cmd": "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel warning -an -i rtsp:// -c:v copy -f flv -ar 44100 -c:a aac rtmp:// -r 5 -s 1920x1080 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p pipe:",
          "roles": [
      "live": {
        "height": 720,
        "quality": 8
      "motion": {
        "contour_area": 30,
        "delta_alpha": 0.2,
        "frame_alpha": 0.2,
        "frame_height": 50,
        "improve_contrast": false,
        "mask": "",
        "mqtt_off_delay": 30,
        "threshold": 25
      "mqtt": {
        "bounding_box": true,
        "crop": true,
        "enabled": true,
        "height": 270,
        "quality": 70,
        "required_zones": [],
        "timestamp": true
      "name": "Test",
      "objects": {
        "filters": {
          "car": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
          "keyboard": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
          "person": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
        "mask": "",
        "track": [
      "record": {
        "enabled": false,
        "events": {
          "objects": null,
          "post_capture": 5,
          "pre_capture": 5,
          "required_zones": [],
          "retain": {
            "default": 10,
            "mode": "motion",
            "objects": {}
        "expire_interval": 60,
        "retain": {
          "days": 0,
          "mode": "all"
        "retain_days": null
      "rtmp": {
        "enabled": true
      "snapshots": {
        "bounding_box": true,
        "clean_copy": true,
        "crop": false,
        "enabled": false,
        "height": null,
        "quality": 70,
        "required_zones": [],
        "retain": {
          "default": 10,
          "mode": "motion",
          "objects": {}
        "timestamp": false
      "timestamp_style": {
        "color": {
          "blue": 255,
          "green": 255,
          "red": 255
        "effect": null,
        "format": "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
        "position": "tl",
        "thickness": 2
      "ui": {
        "dashboard": true,
        "order": 0
      "zones": {}
    "garden": {
      "best_image_timeout": 60,
      "birdseye": {
        "enabled": true,
        "mode": "objects"
      "detect": {
        "enabled": true,
        "fps": 5,
        "height": 1080,
        "max_disappeared": 25,
        "stationary": {
          "interval": 0,
          "max_frames": {
            "default": null,
            "objects": {}
          "threshold": 50
        "width": 1920
      "ffmpeg": {
        "global_args": [
        "hwaccel_args": [],
        "input_args": "-an",
        "inputs": [
            "global_args": [],
            "hwaccel_args": [],
            "input_args": [],
            "path": "rtsp://",
            "roles": [
        "output_args": {
          "detect": [
          "record": "-f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c:v copy -ar 44100 -c:a aac",
          "rtmp": "-c:v copy -f flv -ar 44100 -c:a aac"
      "ffmpeg_cmds": [
          "cmd": "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel warning -an -i rtsp:// -c:v copy -f flv -ar 44100 -c:a aac rtmp:// -r 5 -s 1920x1080 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p pipe:",
          "roles": [
      "live": {
        "height": 720,
        "quality": 8
      "motion": {
        "contour_area": 30,
        "delta_alpha": 0.2,
        "frame_alpha": 0.2,
        "frame_height": 50,
        "improve_contrast": false,
        "mask": "",
        "mqtt_off_delay": 30,
        "threshold": 25
      "mqtt": {
        "bounding_box": true,
        "crop": true,
        "enabled": true,
        "height": 270,
        "quality": 70,
        "required_zones": [],
        "timestamp": true
      "name": "garden",
      "objects": {
        "filters": {
          "car": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
          "keyboard": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
          "person": {
            "mask": null,
            "max_area": 24000000,
            "max_ratio": 24000000,
            "min_area": 0,
            "min_ratio": 0,
            "min_score": 0.5,
            "threshold": 0.7
        "mask": "",
        "track": [
      "record": {
        "enabled": true,
        "events": {
          "objects": null,
          "post_capture": 5,
          "pre_capture": 5,
          "required_zones": [],
          "retain": {
            "default": 10,
            "mode": "motion",
            "objects": {}
        "expire_interval": 60,
        "retain": {
          "days": 0,
          "mode": "all"
        "retain_days": null
      "rtmp": {
        "enabled": true
      "snapshots": {
        "bounding_box": true,
        "clean_copy": true,
        "crop": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "height": null,
        "quality": 70,
        "required_zones": [],
        "retain": {
          "default": 10,
          "mode": "motion",
          "objects": {}
        "timestamp": false
      "timestamp_style": {
        "color": {
          "blue": 255,
          "green": 255,
          "red": 255
        "effect": null,
        "format": "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
        "position": "tl",
        "thickness": 2
      "ui": {
        "dashboard": true,
        "order": 0
      "zones": {}
  "database": {
    "path": "/media/frigate/frigate.db"
  "detect": {
    "enabled": true,
    "fps": 5,
    "height": 720,
    "max_disappeared": null,
    "stationary": {
      "interval": 0,
      "max_frames": {
        "default": null,
        "objects": {}
      "threshold": null
    "width": 1280
  "detectors": {
    "coral": {
      "device": "pci",
      "num_threads": 3,
      "type": "edgetpu"
  "environment_vars": {},
  "ffmpeg": {
    "global_args": [
    "hwaccel_args": [],
    "input_args": [
    "output_args": {
      "detect": [
      "record": [
      "rtmp": [
  "live": {
    "height": 720,
    "quality": 8
  "logger": {
    "default": "info",
    "logs": {}
  "model": {
    "height": 320,
    "labelmap": {},
    "labelmap_path": null,
    "path": null,
    "width": 320
  "motion": null,
  "mqtt": {
    "client_id": "frigate",
    "host": "",
    "password": "removed",
    "port": 1883,
    "stats_interval": 60,
    "tls_ca_certs": null,
    "tls_client_cert": null,
    "tls_client_key": null,
    "tls_insecure": null,
    "topic_prefix": "frigate",
    "user": "mqtt_user"
  "objects": {
    "filters": null,
    "mask": "",
    "track": [
  "plus": {
    "enabled": false
  "record": {
    "enabled": false,
    "events": {
      "objects": null,
      "post_capture": 5,
      "pre_capture": 5,
      "required_zones": [],
      "retain": {
        "default": 10,
        "mode": "motion",
        "objects": {}
    "expire_interval": 60,
    "retain": {
      "days": 0,
      "mode": "all"
    "retain_days": null
  "rtmp": {
    "enabled": true
  "snapshots": {
    "bounding_box": true,
    "clean_copy": true,
    "crop": false,
    "enabled": false,
    "height": null,
    "quality": 70,
    "required_zones": [],
    "retain": {
      "default": 10,
      "mode": "motion",
      "objects": {}
    "timestamp": false
  "timestamp_style": {
    "color": {
      "blue": 255,
      "green": 255,
      "red": 255
    "effect": null,
    "format": "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
    "position": "tl",
    "thickness": 2
  "ui": {
    "use_experimental": false

Relevant log output

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[2022-12-30 23:37:34]                    INFO    : Starting Frigate (0.11.1-2eada21)
[2022-12-30 23:37:34]                    INFO    : Creating directory: /tmp/cache
Starting migrations
[2022-12-30 23:37:34] peewee_migrate                 INFO    : Starting migrations
There is nothing to migrate
[2022-12-30 23:37:34] peewee_migrate                 INFO    : There is nothing to migrate
[2022-12-30 23:37:34]                    INFO    : Output process started: 215
[2022-12-30 23:37:34]                    INFO    : Camera processor started for Front: 217
[2022-12-30 23:37:34] detector.coral                 INFO    : Starting detection process: 213
[2022-12-30 23:37:34] frigate.edgetpu                INFO    : Attempting to load TPU as pci
[2022-12-30 23:37:34] ws4py                          INFO    : Using epoll
[2022-12-30 23:37:34]                    INFO    : Camera processor started for Test: 220
[2022-12-30 23:37:34]                    INFO    : Camera processor started for garden: 236
[2022-12-30 23:37:34]                    INFO    : Capture process started for Front: 237
[2022-12-30 23:37:34] frigate.edgetpu                INFO    : TPU found
[2022-12-30 23:37:35]                    INFO    : Capture process started for Test: 241
[2022-12-30 23:37:35]                    INFO    : Capture process started for garden: 242
[2022-12-30 23:37:35] ws4py                          INFO    : Using epoll
[2022-12-30 23:37:37] ws4py                          INFO    : Managing websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:37:38] ws4py                          INFO    : Terminating websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:37:39] ws4py                          INFO    : Managing websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:37:45] frigate.mqtt                   INFO    : Turning on snapshots for garden via mqtt
[2022-12-30 23:37:46] frigate.mqtt                   INFO    : Turning on recordings for garden via mqtt
[2022-12-30 23:37:52] ws4py                          INFO    : Managing websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:38:03] ws4py                          INFO    : Terminating websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:38:03] ws4py                          INFO    : Managing websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:38:05] ws4py                          INFO    : Terminating websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:38:36] frigate.http                   ERROR   : No recordings found for the requested time range
[2022-12-30 23:49:04] ws4py                          INFO    : Terminating websocket [Local => | Remote =>]
[2022-12-30 23:49:07] ws4py                          INFO    : Managing websocket [Local => | Remote =>]

Frigate stats

No response

Operating system


Install method

HassOS Addon

Coral version


Any other information that may be helpful

Running HassOS virtulised in Hyper-V

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments: 17

Most upvoted comments

Great glad to hear that, I think this can be closed then. Feel free to create a new issue if something else comes up.

Sorry, I’m not sure how I can paste the config file here without messing up the formatting

I edited it for you, you can see how I did it

By the way, I’m using the recording and snapshots toggle buttons on the UI only, I’ve not configured it as when I was trying I was not getting it right.

that’s the problem, recordings do not work this way, they MUST be enabled in the config for them to be saved