blade-ui-kit: Conflict with filament 3 styles
- Library Version: 0.4.0
- Laravel Version: 10
- PHP Version: 8.2
Here is actually two issues with markdown editor:
1 . When using it with Filament 3, styles are messed up. 2. Markdown editor appears on he page two times.
Steps To Reproduce:
Install both Filament 3 and Blade UI Kit and add requirements in app.blade.php like so:
@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])
Then, call for markdown editor:
<x-easy-mde name="content" wire:model="content" />
You will see editor DOUBLED on the page. No style applied.
Then you remove filament styles and scripts and reload the page and you will see editor still DOUBLED, but styles are not messed up.
Removed filament:
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 6 months ago
- Comments: 15 (8 by maintainers)
Ho gosh, I’m a big donkey 🙄
I missing removing the vendor published stub views from my project,
artisan vendor:publish --force
and now it works like a charm.I’m sorry wasting your time in this update.
@driesvints I confirm it works with the new version 0.6.1
@FlickTheManual please check this demo:
I used the same code from the previous comment and it worked perfectly for me.
I’ll try to reproduce it and fix it.
Thanks everyone! @FlickTheManual would be cool if you could verify this works now.
@driesvints @FlickTheManual I think this PR( fixes this issue.
@FlickTheManual I reproduced the issue and I found out that Filament also uses Easy MDE and it has its configuration:
That’s why it’s in conflict with Filament.
That’s because Alpine is loaded twice, first from Blade UI Kit and second from Livewire.
As a workaround I think it’s best stick with one stack: Filament or Blade UI Kit.