bgfx: Arch Linux shaderc does not compile
Hi, currently working from Arch Linux x64, and decided to try BGFX again for an idea. And here I endup being. I tracked down this issue to be mesa glsl implementation or something like this. I am running mesa-10.5.1-2, my libgl is nvidia-340xx-libgl.76-2 (I am not feeling like risking breaking my stuff by replacing it to mesa-liblg)
[]$ make shaderc (masterā±)
==== Building shaderc (debug32) ====
Linking shaderc
../../linux32_gcc/obj/x32/Debug/shaderc/3rdparty/glsl-optimizer/src/glsl/glcpp/pp.o: In function `glcpp_preprocess':
/home/zeta/projects/hexon/bgfx/.build/projects/gmake-linux/../../../3rdparty/glsl-optimizer/src/glsl/glcpp/pp.c:227: undefined reference to `glcpp_parser_parse'
../../linux32_gcc/obj/x32/Debug/shaderc/3rdparty/glsl-optimizer/src/glsl/glcpp/glcpp-parse.o: In function `yyparse':
/home/zeta/projects/hexon/bgfx/.build/projects/gmake-linux/ undefined reference to `yylex'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
shaderc.make:912: recipe for target '../../linux32_gcc/bin/shadercDebug' failed
make[1]: *** [../../linux32_gcc/bin/shadercDebug] Error 1
Makefile:136: recipe for target 'shaderc' failed
make: *** [shaderc] Error 2
What would be the advised solution?
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 9 years ago
- Comments: 16 (9 by maintainers)
Try calling this script to generate those files: