codesigndoc: Running on M1, failed archiving

Hi. Running utility on M1. It automatically tries to archive with Macbook device (first in the list). The error is that device (macbook m1) is missing in provisioning profile (even though iphone is connected to macbook) When I create new profile Xcode gives (‘Xcode failed to provision this target.’). Is it possible to select other device?

---- LOGS Provide the project file manually Please drag-and-drop your Xcode Project (.xcodeproj) or Workspace (.xcworkspace) file, the one you usually open in Xcode, then hit Enter. (Note: if you have a Workspace file you should most likely use that) : /Users/abc/Developer/app/ios/Runner.xcodeproj

🔦 Scanning Schemes … $ xcodebuild “-project” “/Users/abc/Developer/app/ios/Runner.xcodeproj” “-list”

Xcode (xcodebuild) version: Xcode 12.4 (Build version 12D4e)

🔦 Running an Xcode Archive, to get all the required code signing settings… $ xcodebuild “-project” “/Users/apc/Developer/app/ios/Runner.xcodeproj” “-scheme” “Runner” “clean” “archive” “-archivePath” “/var/folders/dw/xl3p4j5s7q32s8nq3fzhh_rw0000gn/T/__codesigndoc__014643693/Runner.xcarchive” …

Last lines of the build log: IDEArchivePathOverride = /var/folders/dw/xl3p4j5s7q32s8nq3fzhh_rw0000gn/T/__codesigndoc__014643693/Runner.xcarchive

note: Using new build system note: Building targets in parallel error: Could not delete /Users/abc/Developer/app/build/ios because it was not created by the build system.


note: Using new build system note: Building targets in parallel note: Planning build note: Constructing build description error: Provisioning profile “iOS Team Provisioning Profile:” doesn’t include the currently selected device “Alexei’s MacBook Pro” (identifier 5105DACA-2DE8-553C-8E2E-713CEE825EDF). (in target ‘Runner’ from project ‘Runner’)

** ARCHIVE FAILED ** Please check the build log to see what caused the error.

Xcode Archive failed. Open the project: /Users/abc/Developer/app/ios/Runner.xcodeproj and make sure that you can build an Archive, with the scheme: Runner

💡 Saving xcodebuild output into file: /Users/abc/codesigndoc_exports/xcodebuild-output.log

First of all please make sure that you can Archive your app from Xcode. codesigndoc only works if you can archive your app from Xcode. If you can, and you get a valid .ipa/.app file if you export from Xcode, please create an issue on GitHub at: with as many details & logs as you can share!

Error: failed to run xcodebuild command, error: exit status 65

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions: 14
  • Comments: 26 (1 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Just provide a sdk version of iOS to codesigndoc and it will work:

./codesigndoc scan xcode --xcodebuild-sdk "iphoneos15.0"


curl -fL > codesigndoc
chmod +x codesigndoc
./codesigndoc scan xcode --xcodebuild-sdk "iphoneos15.0"

Worked on my Mac Mini M1

A temp workaround for those that have come to this issue is to manually upload your provisioning profile and code signing cert to bitrise in the meantime while this is fixed.

Provisioning profiles can be found at : ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

Details on how to obtain code signing cert can be found here:

I think we need some arg “-destination ‘generic/platform=iOS’”

Hey there everyone, cannot provide an ETA as of yet, but I can confirm that this is under refinement 🙂

@patlux - that seems to work! Bitrise - This should be done automatically.

Same here. Is there any estimation for a bugfix?

I’m having the same problem on my M1, this is so frustrating.

By reading the logs it appears (in mine) that the problem is : "Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: [.........]" doesn't include the currently selected device "MacBook Air [...]" (identifier [......]). (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')"

The fun part is that if I copy the xcodebuild line from the tool output $ xcodebuild "-workspace" "/Users/[.....]/ios/Runner.xcworkspace" "-scheme" "Runner" "clean" "archive" "-archivePath" "/var/folders/c6/8dfdwbsj2nqfsdt9vn18_5gh0000gn/T/__codesigndoc__598000363/Runner.xcarchive" and run it manually in any terminal tab everything works completely fine. Does that happen to you aswell?