bitrise-workflow-editor: Error loading steplib specs / Missing output data
When I try to run workflow-editor 0.9.1
on my bitrise step repos (ex. aws-device-farm-test-packager) I get the following error:
Js console shows:
Error: Error loading steplib specs.
at main.js:53458
at processQueue (main.js:27448)
at main.js:27464
at Scope.$eval (main.js:28716)
at Scope.$digest (main.js:28532)
at Scope.$apply (main.js:28824)
at done (main.js:23162)
at completeRequest (main.js:23360)
at XMLHttpRequest.requestLoaded (main.js:23301)
Terminal shows:
$ bitrise :workflow-editor
Starting API server at http://localhost:3645
Open workflow editor in browser ...
=> GET: /api/bitrise-yml.json - 14.842118ms ()
Missing output data
=> GET: /api/spec - 40.626267ms ()
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments: 20 (10 by maintainers)
Ok, I’ll restore issue #65 & will track it there.