bitcoinjs-lib: Error: RangeError: value out of range when decoding raw tx

Hi, I ran into issues when decoding some raw transactions, some will decode, some will not.

const bitcoinjs = require('bitcoinjs-lib')

const network = {
  messagePrefix: '\x18Monaize Signed Message:\n',
  bip32: {
    public: 0x0488B21E,
    private: 0x0488ADE4
  pubKeyHash: 0x3c,
  scriptHash: 0x55,
  wif: 0xbc

let txValid = 

let txNonValid = 

let decodedTx = bitcoinjs.Transaction.fromHex(txValid, network)

let decodedTxNonValid = bitcoinjs.Transaction.fromHex(txNonValid, network)

On the second tx I get this :

  if (value > max) throw new Error('RangeError: value out of range')

Error: RangeError: value out of range
    at verifuint (/home/xx/src/testbjs/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/bufferutils.js:8:26)
    at Object.readUInt64LE (/home/xx/src/testbjs/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/bufferutils.js:17:3)
    at readUInt64 (/home/xx/src/testbjs/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/transaction.js:69:25)
    at Function.Transaction.fromBuffer (/home/xx/src/testbjs/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/transaction.js:118:14)
    at Function.Transaction.fromHex (/home/xx/src/testbjs/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/transaction.js:141:22)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/xxx/src/testbjs/index.js:23:47)
    at Module._compile (module.js:643:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:654:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:556:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:499:12)

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 1
  • Comments: 20 (11 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

You can split change if you want.

if (change > 90 * 1e6 * 1e8) {
  change1 = Math.ceil(change/2)
  change2 = change - change1
  txb.addOutput(address, change1)
  txb.addOutput(address, change2)


LOL, in 2021 people still using joke coins

oh yeah! I forgot, javascript is special! šŸ˜„

But I guess just keeping the rule: ā€œDo not send more than 90 million coins to one outputā€ is not a hard rule to followā€¦ lol

Hi, Sorry for the late feedback. It is a real issue, but with v8 engine, since we have high initial supply with our coin(s) the maximum integer isnā€™t enough. We fixed the issue by dividing supply in many accountsā€¦ But the real solution would be to use something like I guess

Monaize is Komodo fork, that is Zcash fork, that is Bitcoin forkā€¦ (phew) It does handle tx serialization the same way for transparent to transparent address, which is the case here. And I can confirm this issue happens on freshly mined blockā€¦ maybe it is the problem?


> (Math.pow(2, 53) - 1).toString(16)

(64-bit floats lose precision after 53-bits, yay Javascript)