MikaLendingBot: Lending rate error

Bot keeps on lending my ETH at 4.99%, but the gap top and gap bottom is set from 1% to 30% Lending btc works - ok. I hope this can be easily solved.


I have the following config active:

#sleep between iterations, time in seconds
sleeptime = 10
#minimum daily lend rate in percent
mindailyrate = 0.05
#max rate. 2% is good choice because it's default at margin trader interface. 5% is max to be accepted by the exchange
maxdailyrate = 5
#The number of offers to split the available balance uniformly across the [gaptop, gapbottom] range.
spreadlend = 10
#The depth of lendbook (in percent of lendable balance) to move through before placing the first (gapbottom) and last (gaptop) offer.
#if gapbottom is set to 0, the first offer will be at the lowest possible rate. However some low value is recommended (say 10%) to skip dust offers
gapbottom = 1
gaptop = 30
#Daily lend rate threshold after which we offer lends for 60 days as opposed to 2. If set to 0 all offers will be placed for a 2 day period
sixtydaythreshold = 0.5
# AutoRenew - if set to 1 the bot will toggle the AutoRenew flag for the loans when you stop it (Ctrl+C) and clear the AutoRenew flag when started
autorenew = 0
#custom config per coin, useful when closing positions etc.
#syntax: [COIN:mindailyrate:maxactiveamount, ... COIN:mindailyrate:maxactiveamount]
#if maxactive amount is 0 - stop lending this coin. in the future you'll be able to limit amount to be lent.
#coinconfig = ["BTC:0.05:1"]

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 8 years ago
  • Comments: 31

Most upvoted comments

@robby-dermody I agree it’s confusing, but only if you don’t know what’s happening under the hood. We will have the “&limit=1000” thing as a feature soon.