bioconda-recipes: OSX builds fail with ``KeyError: ''``

22:36:43 BIOCONDA ERROR COMMAND FAILED (exited with 1): /opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/bin/conda mambabuild --override-channels --no-anaconda-upload -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults -e /opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/conda_build_config.yaml -e /opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bioconda_utils/bioconda_utils-conda_build_config.yaml recipes/tksm/meta.yaml

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/bin/conda-mambabuild", line 10, in <module>
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/boa/cli/", line 256, in main
    call_conda_build(action, config)
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/boa/cli/", line 228, in call_conda_build
    result =
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 180, in build
    return build_tree(
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 3078, in build_tree
    packages_from_this = build(metadata, stats,
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 2038, in build
    output_metas = expand_outputs([(m, need_source_download, need_reparse_in_env)])
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 787, in expand_outputs
    for (output_dict, m) in deepcopy(_m).get_output_metadata_set(permit_unsatisfiable_variants=False):
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 2524, in get_output_metadata_set
    conda_packages = finalize_outputs_pass(
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 884, in finalize_outputs_pass
    fm = finalize_metadata(
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 547, in finalize_metadata
    build_unsat, host_unsat = add_upstream_pins(m,
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 387, in add_upstream_pins
    build_deps, build_unsat, extra_run_specs_from_build = _read_upstream_pin_files(m, 'build',
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 374, in _read_upstream_pin_files
    deps, actions, unsat = get_env_dependencies(m, env, m.config.variant,
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/conda_build/", line 131, in get_env_dependencies
    actions = environ.get_install_actions(tmpdir, tuple(dependencies), env,
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/boa/cli/", line 141, in mamba_get_install_actions
    solution = solver.solve_for_action(_specs, prefix)
    return to_action(
  File "/opt/mambaforge/envs/bioconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/boa/core/", line 79, in to_action
    entry = lookup_dict[get_url_from_channel(c)]
KeyError: ''

PR: Azure log:

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Reactions: 4
  • Comments: 22 (21 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

This is now fixed with the update to bioconda-utils 2.3.2 which uses boa 0.15.

For those of you who have circumvented the issue by deactivating the osx build, it would be great if you could enable them again in follow-up PRs! Thanks a lot! It is always great to see how active the bioconda community is!

This seems to have re-appeared in the following PRs:

Thanks for the info @dpryan79. Sounds like an updated mamba release should fix that when it is ready.

Any updates @bioconda/core?

Also in #41724. Any updates or fixes? This has been an issue for weeks now. Between this and the fact that my previously working recipe was broken by maintenance changes and blacklisted last month, it seems bioconda has become a bit unreliable.

I tried to understand a bit what’s going on. I didn’t get very far yet but maybe its a hint.

I installed bioconda-utils locally and ran it. I am running on an ARM mac with CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 set.

The key that exist in the boa lookup_dict is While the requested key is

After adding the debug statements I tried to update to boa 0.15.1, which first didn’t work because it was trying to download the following file: instead of:

This seems a rather similar symptom.

I deleted the package cache and it could install boa 0.15.1 successfully. However, this version immediately segfaults.

These are my current findings, not sure what to make out of these. Somewhere/something seems to contain the wrong channel url without the OS subdir.

Edit: I reinstalled and now I only get the following error:

Error: bad character '*' in package name dependency '*'

I don’t make it to the key error anymore.