ntfy: default-user and default-password in client.yml not working

I’ve created a file in ~/.config/ntfy/client.yml with this content

default-host: https://push.pablo.tools
default-user: pinpox
default-password: mysupersecretspassword

But the client seems to ingnore the values:

$ ntfy pub --config ~/.config/ntfy/client.yml https://push.pablo.tools/test                                                                                                                                                         

Using the NTFY_USER environment variable works, so I know the crendentials are in fact correct:

$ export NTFY_USER=pinpox:mysupersecretspassword
$ ntfy pub test test                                                                                                                                                                                                                

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions: 1
  • Comments: 20 (11 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Note that this leaks/publishes notifications send to a private instance with the ‘ntfy cli’, to the public instance at https://ntfy.sh/*, because the configured default-host is ignored.

Oh, you’re on Mac? I think the default path for client.yml on MacOS is ~/Library/Application Support/ntfy/client.yml. So you could either move your config file there, or specify the path to the config file in the command: ntfy sub --trace --config ~/.config/ntfy/client.yml mytopic

Note that this leaks/publishes notifications send to a private instance with the ‘ntfy cli’, to the public instance at https://ntfy.sh/*, because the configured default-host is ignored.

My evil plan to collect user passwords is working 😈 – Just kidding. You’re right, I should look at this urgently.

I figured out what’s going on.

The code to use default-user and default-password for ntfy **sub** was released in version 1.28.0.

But the code to use default-user and default-password for ntfy **pub** hasn’t been released yet. It’s included in (unreleased) version 1.29.0.

Sorry about the (temporary) inconsistency!