community: sdl2/2.0.12: Error involving flex_installer 2.6.4

Package and Environment Details (include every applicable attribute)

  • Package Name/Version: sdl2/2.0.12
  • Operating System+version: Linux elementaryOS 5.1.3 Hera
  • Compiler+version: Clang 10
  • Conan version: conan 1.21.1
  • Python version: Python 3.7.4

Conan profile






Steps to reproduce

conan install -pr=</path/to/the/conan/profile> --build missing ..


Click to expand log
libuuid/1.0.3: Downloaded recipe revision 0
libxtst/1.2.3@bincrafters/stable: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
libxtst/1.2.3@bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'conan-center'...
libxtst/1.2.3@bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'bintray'...
Downloading conanmanifest.txt completed [0.11k]                                          
Downloading completed [0.77k]                                               
Downloading conan_export.tgz completed [1.19k]                                           
Decompressing conan_export.tgz completed [0.00k]                                         
libxtst/1.2.3@bincrafters/stable: Downloaded recipe revision 0
openssl/1.1.1d: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
openssl/1.1.1d: Trying with 'conan-center'...
Downloading conanmanifest.txt completed [0.10k]                                          
Downloading completed [31.36k]                                              
Downloading conan_export.tgz completed [0.24k]                                           
Decompressing conan_export.tgz completed [0.00k]                                         
openssl/1.1.1d: Downloaded recipe revision 0
opengl/virtual@bincrafters/stable: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
opengl/virtual@bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'conan-center'...
opengl/virtual@bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'bintray'...
Downloading conanmanifest.txt completed [0.06k]                                          
Downloading completed [3.13k]                                               
opengl/virtual@bincrafters/stable: Downloaded recipe revision 0
flex_installer/2.6.4@bincrafters/stable: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
flex_installer/2.6.4@bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'conan-center'...
flex_installer/2.6.4@bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'bintray'...
Downloading conanmanifest.txt completed [0.82k]                                          
Downloading completed [0.98k]                                               
Downloading conan_export.tgz completed [2.35k]                                           
Decompressing conan_export.tgz completed [0.00k]                                         
flex_installer/2.6.4@bincrafters/stable: Downloaded recipe revision 0
ERROR: flex_installer/2.6.4@bincrafters/stable: 'settings.arch_build' value not defined


This bug also shows up when using sdl2/2.0.10 with the same error message. With sdl2/2.0.8 and sdl2/2.0.9, an error message saying that the package jack is displayed instead. A portion of the log that appears for sdl2/2.0.8 (but is the same with sdl2/2.0.9, save for the package version numbers) is given below:

Click to expand log
sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: Configuring sources in /home/seanballais/.conan/data/sdl2/2.0.8/bincrafters/stable/source
Downloading SDL2-2.0.8.tar.gz completed [4793.96k]                                       

sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: Copying sources to build folder
sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: Building your package in /home/seanballais/.conan/data/sdl2/2.0.8/bincrafters/stable/build/7f2cb33362c49a6853398b35448423f801bfc78d
sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: Calling build()
sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: ERROR: Package '7f2cb33362c49a6853398b35448423f801bfc78d' build failed
sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: WARN: Build folder /home/seanballais/.conan/data/sdl2/2.0.8/bincrafters/stable/build/7f2cb33362c49a6853398b35448423f801bfc78d
ERROR: sdl2/2.0.8@bincrafters/stable: Error in build() method, line 213
while calling 'build_cmake', line 278
	cmake = self._configure_cmake()
while calling '_configure_cmake', line 244
while calling 'check_dependencies', line 226
	self.check_pkg_config(self.options.jack, 'jack')
while calling 'check_pkg_config', line 218
	if not pkg_config.provides:
	ConanException: pkg-config command ['pkg-config', '--print-provides', 'jack', '--print-errors'] failed with error: Command 'pkg-config --print-provides jack --print-errors' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Package jack was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `jack.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'jack' found

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments: 18 (10 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

no special reason, just that enabling features by default usually makes things easier for the user (as long as it works, which is not the case here)

Ok, I can reproduce the problem. It boils down a mismatch between pulseaudio which uses single precision fftw functions, whereas fftw package’s default is double precision. I’ll release soon on stable channel a new version of the pulseaudio package, which by default does not use fftw at all. In the meantime, you can work around this problem by either using option:

  1. sdl2:pulse=False
  2. fftw:precision=single