node-red-contrib-modbus: Modbus Reader does not recover from temporary loss of Modbus TCP Slave
With the modbus reader set to poll at 1s, we successfully read several bytes over several intervals. On physically disconnecting the slave from the network, the reader node shows its state change from ‘active’ to "error: “FSM not ready to Read” then to “error{}”, then alternates several times before staying in “error{}”.
Meanwhile the debug trace shows “Error: Port Not Open”
On reconnecting the slave, the node stays in the “error{}” state the “Error: Port Not Open” traces continue.
Proper operation can only be restored by redeploying.
Sample flow below
[ { "id": "mb_reader_mb_client_192.168.1.11_mr_0", "type": "modbus-read", "z": "tab_Main", "name": "mb_client_192.168.1.11_mr_", "showStatusActivities": false, "unitid": "", "dataType": "HoldingRegister", "adr": "12388", "quantity": "2", "rate": 1, "rateUnit": "s", "server": "mb_client_192.168.1.11", "x": 165, "y": 55, "wires": [ [], [] ] }, { "id": "mb_client_192.168.1.11", "type": "modbus-client", "z": "tab_Main", "name": "AMCS1", "clienttype": "tcp", "tcpHost": "", "tcpPort": "502", "serialPort": "/dev/ttyS0", "serialBaudrate": "9600", "serialDatabits": "8", "serialStopbits": "1", "serialParity": "none", "unit_id": "1", "clientTimeout": "5000", "reconnectTimeout": "5000" } ]
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments: 43 (21 by maintainers)
should work with v1.0.9-kappa+ or release v1.0.9