bevy: Mesh AABBs are never updated

Bevy version: 0.6 OS & graphic stack: ArchLinux kernel 5.16.2


When using which relies on bevy’s Aabb, and I update an entity’s mesh, either by (1) changing it’s Handle<Mesh> or (2) updating the mesh itself in the Assets<Mesh>, the plugin doesn’t account for the change in mesh value.

This is because bevy never updates the Aabb of an entity after the initial spawn of a mesh.


It is legitimate to expect the Aabbs would be updated with the meshes or mesh handles of entities (certainly the documentation doesn’t mention that). Either this should be documented as expected behavior or the code amended to update Aabbs based on the current mesh.

Technical solution

It seems the problematic system is bevy_render::view::visibility::calculate_bounds . ( crates/bevy_render/src/view/visibility/ line 112 on 024d98457c80d25f9). has a few discussions around potential fixes.

Current Workaround

Manually update the Aabb after updating the mesh.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions: 11
  • Comments: 17 (15 by maintainers)

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If anyone is here looking for a quick workaround in the meantime, manually removing the AABB from the entity, after the mesh has been changed, seem to do the trick:


This is super annoying. One can easily circumvent this, but it’s still a trap. Can we get this merged in 0.11?

Another way would be to consider that the aabb of a mesh should be an asset rather than a component. That way each entity would have the handle to the same aabb linked to their mesh. Not sure how much that would add when querying though…

I had in mind pretty much what you wrote down yeah. I was thinking of the entities_with_mesh argument as follow though:

mut entities_with_mesh: Local<HashMap<Handle<Mesh>, Vec<Entity>>>

(and updating the hashmap when necessary).

A hint: you could maybe chain the filter_map in the iterator to reduce rightward drift, or even use the ? operator in a closure that returns an option.

The idea described in the if not section seems indeed not the best.

Reproduced in Bevy 0.9: great video of the problem here.

@mlodato517 this is correct. I think you have everything you need now.

Hmmm maybe I am a bit confused. I thought originally you were suggesting roughly this pseudocode:

pub fn calculate_bounds(
    mut commands: Commands,
    meshes: Res<Assets<Mesh>>,
    without_aabb: Query<(Entity, &Handle<Mesh>), (Without<Aabb>, Without<NoFrustumCulling>)>,
    mesh_events: EventReader<AssetEvent<Mesh>>,              // new
    entities_with_mesh: &HashMap<Handle<Mesh>, Vec<Entity>>, // new
) {
    // same old code plus...

    let updated_meshes = mesh_events.iter().filter_map(|&event| match event {
        Modified { handle } => Some(handle),
        _ => None,
    for mesh_handle in updated_meshes {
        if let Some(mesh) = meshes.get(mesh_handle) {
            if let Some(aabb) = mesh.compute_aabb() {
                if let Some(entities) = entities_with_mesh(mesh_handle) {
                    commands.entity(entity).insert(aabb); // or do we need to remove + insert?
                // lots of closing curlies...

Was I way off there? (I also wonder if this should be a different system from calculate_bounds since that system would be getting cluttered 🤔 But it’s still under the idea of “calculating bounds” so ⚖️)

If not

I think this makes perfect sense. I was just saying that, if we wanted to, instead of storing HashMap<Handle<Mesh>, Vec<Entity>> we could store HashMap<Handle<Mesh>, Aabb> and we mutate that when there’s an event and then instead of having Query<&Aabb> we have like Query<Handle<Mesh>> and then they do a lookup in the HashMap for the Aabb.

I think that’s undesirable because it impacts the performance of everyone checking for Aabb (and it leaks the abstraction for how these Aabbs are managed) but, if we expect frequent mesh updates (which I doubt) then this would avoid the big loop in calculate_bounds.

Not that I’m saying we should go this way, just wanted to make sure my suggestion was clear 😃