bevy: Get blank in example breakout

After running cargo run --example breakout

I get the following, what is missing ?

os: win10 rustc: 1.45.2

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments: 15 (3 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

So it seems to come from Intel HD Graphics GPUs because I’m getting the same problem on Debian 9 with an Intel® HD Graphics 620, a blank screen when running the breakout example but wgpu cube example runs, but it does not render the cube the right way compared to their screenshot though, I don’t know if that is relevant.


Here is the output of vulkaninfo if that can be of any help

EDIT So after discussing with GrantMoyer on discord, he found the issue “maybe your driver has a bug where all the normals are flipped, which is inverting the box, and also back face culling all the 2d sprites in the breakout example. What if you try rotating all the sprites 180 deg in the x axis?” I did that and could get my game to run and draw squares and stuff.