bevy: Android example very slow running on device following light transmission changes

The commit 44928e0df49a202c201a6962775e6883cafebb7e makes mobile example run on android device at ~1 FPS (~20 before).

To reproduce:

cargo apk run -p bevy_mobile_example

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created 8 months ago
  • Comments: 23 (17 by maintainers)

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Ok, so I tried to isolate the issue while preserving original PBR/material features.
I found that the issue exists when using ExtendedMaterial as well (with StandardMaterial base).

I created a “blank” fragment shader (looking at extended_material.wsgl ),

Applied that to my GLTF models as extended material (great guide & code on how to patch SceneBundle here, many thanks @nicopap!!!)

fn fragment(
    in: VertexOutput,
    @builtin(front_facing) is_front: bool,
) -> FragmentOutput {
    var pbr_input = pbr_input_from_standard_material(in, is_front);
    out.color = pbr_input.material.base_color;
    var out: FragmentOutput;

    // Slow. from original file.
    //out.color = apply_pbr_lighting(pbr_input);
    // Fast
    out.color = pbr_input.material.base_color;
    return out;

With this frag shader the issue is non-existent on Android. High fps with many entities / zoomed in.

It was clear that the offending function was apply_pbr_lighting(pbr_input). Hard to believe, right? 😜

So I went about trying to isolate the problem within this function.
Copied apply_pbr_lighting() from pbr_functions.wgsl to my extended mat shader.

It applies all light sources, concating them here: I attempted to use only one light source at a time.
Sadly, could not find a single culprit source or function that causes the massive fps drop.
I can only say that direct_light has the biggest effect on fps (another shocker I’m sure 🤣 ),
But even it caused only a 30% drop in fps.
All combined and enabled the issue exists and fps tanks.

For now, I stripped the apply_pbr_lighting func to an absolute minimum - no shadows (cause a crash on Android anyway…), no ambient, no point lights, no spot lights - only directional light.
That works for my needs at the moment with good fps.

Sorry I couldn’t point out the root cause of the zoomed-in fps drop… really tried removing line by line from pbr_functions but that didn’t give anything. Just many calculations together lead to drop. Sorry.

Anyway, if anyone needs a simple working shader, here’s my stripped down custom_shader.wgsl:

#import bevy_pbr::{
    forward_io::{VertexOutput, FragmentOutput},
    mesh_view_bindings as view_bindings,

fn apply_pbr_lighting(
    in: pbr_types::PbrInput,
) -> vec4<f32> {
    var output_color: vec4<f32> = in.material.base_color;

    // calculate non-linear roughness from linear perceptualRoughness
    let metallic = in.material.metallic;
    let perceptual_roughness = in.material.perceptual_roughness;
    let roughness = lighting::perceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptual_roughness);
    let ior = in.material.ior;
    let thickness = in.material.thickness;
    let diffuse_transmission = in.material.diffuse_transmission;
    let specular_transmission = in.material.specular_transmission;

    // Neubelt and Pettineo 2013, "Crafting a Next-gen Material Pipeline for The Order: 1886"
    let NdotV = max(dot(in.N, in.V), 0.0001);

    // Remapping [0,1] reflectance to F0
    // See
    let reflectance = in.material.reflectance;
    let F0 = 0.16 * reflectance * reflectance * (1.0 - metallic) + output_color.rgb * metallic;

    // Diffuse strength is inversely related to metallicity, specular and diffuse transmission
    let diffuse_color = output_color.rgb * (1.0 - metallic) * (1.0 - specular_transmission) * (1.0 - diffuse_transmission);

    let R = reflect(-in.V, in.N);

    let f_ab = lighting::F_AB(perceptual_roughness, NdotV);

    var direct_light: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(0.0);

    // Transmitted Light (Specular and Diffuse)
    var transmitted_light: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(0.0);

    // directional lights (direct)
    let n_directional_lights = view_bindings::lights.n_directional_lights;
    for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < n_directional_lights; i = i + 1u) {
        var light_contrib = lighting::directional_light(i, roughness, NdotV, in.N, in.V, R, F0, f_ab, diffuse_color);

        direct_light += light_contrib;

    // Total light
    output_color = vec4<f32>(
        //transmitted_light + direct_light + indirect_light + emissive_light, // original

    return output_color;

fn fragment(
    in: VertexOutput,
    @builtin(front_facing) is_front: bool,
) -> FragmentOutput {
    // generate a PbrInput struct from the StandardMaterial bindings
    var pbr_input = pbr_input_from_standard_material(in, is_front);

    var out: FragmentOutput;
    // apply lighting
    out.color = apply_pbr_lighting(pbr_input);

    return out;

I wanted to try this out after #11627 was merged but I happened to break the phone I was using 😦 This issue unfortunately doesn’t happen on my replacement, a pixel. I checked out the commit before and after #11627 and it behaved identically, roughly staying at 49-60FPS regardless of how close or far I was to objects.

Just to note that the issue affects PC as well. Less noticeable as they can handle the load, but with VSync off I see a drop in FPS from +300 to ~100 on laptops with Intel HD graphics and Nvidia discrete. see #11213 . Thanks!

I can confirm now having a different shader on an objects completely fixes the performance issue

I’ve been testing compiling wasm and android on my phone, a OnePlus 7T Pro, and suspect I am running into this, however I noticed it performs better if I zoom out which, if related, may be helpful information?

I took the mobile example, removed everything but the cube and the camera (no lights) and compiled it to android but also made a wasm build loaded in a cordova app and put that on my phone too.

The android build hovers around 50fps, hits 60fps if I zoom out and drops to 40fps if I zoom in. The wasm build hovers in the single digits and hits 90fps if I zoom out.

Setting the camera transform to something like Transform::from_xyz(-22.0, 2.5, 25.0) gave me good performance, but even just a few units back was enough to notice a difference. I’ll try out d67fbd5 with it over the weekend when I get a chance to see if it makes a difference.