intellij: Not available on IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3 on macOS

Try this

  • Get yourself a copy of IntelliJ IDEA CE 2020.2.3 on macOS
  • Go to Settings -> Browse Repositories as described here
  • Search for Bazel

Current result

Nothing (see screenshot below)

Expected result

Bazel plugin found, as explained in the documentation:

You can find our plugin in the Jetbrains plugin repository by going to Settings -> Browse Repositories, and searching for Bazel.


I realize this might be me misunderstanding the install instructions, the wording does not match what I see on screen.

If so, a clarification would be welcome!


This is what it looks like when I search for the plugin: image

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions: 10
  • Comments: 19

Most upvoted comments

@alice-ks I was just prompted to upgrade to 2020.3 😕.

How much work is it to get a 2020.3 version out as well?

The current release is for up to 2020.2 only:


We just pushed a new release of the plugin which supports IntelliJ 2020.2. You should now be able to find the plugin when you look for it in the Marketplace within 2020.2.

jetbrains publishing artifact is a published event (from the repo). have a git hook listen to it. updated this file with those files. trigger a build with the new artifact. build passes, publish documentation that the new plugin released. otherwise, create a git issue and publish on slack/mailing list, for anyone to look at it ?

The current version does not support 2020.2, so it’s expected that it doesn’t work. Building it from source confirmed that it is not compatible.

I think that master has some initial support for 2020.2, so if you want to build against the upcoming IntelliJ platform you can do that by passing --define=ij_product=intellij-beta. I haven’t tried it, so I don’t know how well it works.

I attended the Java ppl Birds of a Feather session at the BazelCon event earlier this month. The plugins being behind the Bazel releases was mentioned, and the leads present on the video said they accepted that and would try to do better going forward (paraphrase).

Not available on IntelliJ IDEA UE 2020.2.4 on macOS, too.

There’s a hack to a manifest file META-INF/plugin.xml inside ijwb_bazel.jar inside the zip. Like so:

mv ~/Downloads/ . 
mkdir zzip 
cd zzip 
unzip ../ 
cd ijwb 
cd lib/
mkdir cts 
cd cts 
unzip ../ijwb_bazel.jar 
nano META-INF/plugin.xml 
jar cvf ../ijwb_bazel.jar . 
cd ..
rm -rf cts/
cd ..
cd ..
jar cvfM ../ . 
cd ..
cp ~/Downloads/

If only there was a sed in-situ inside zip inside zip mode.