bazel: Build Android on Windows: Bazel_tools//src/main/native/windows:windows_jni.dll' failed (Exit -1)
Description of the problem :
I have Bazel Android project for Windows. When I open and try to sync project I got error. On mac this step works normal.
C:/users/dmitry/_bazel_dmitry/f5rza2b6/external/bazel_tools/src/main/native/windows/BUILD:49:1: Couldn't build file external/bazel_tools/src/main/native/windows/_objs/windows_jni.dll/processes-jni.obj: C++ compilation of rule '@bazel_tools//src/main/native/windows:windows_jni.dll' failed (Exit -1).
The target you are compiling requires Visual C++ build tools.
Bazel couldn't find a valid Visual C++ build tools installation on your machine.
Please check your installation following
What operating system are you running Bazel on?
Windows 7
What’s the output of bazel info release
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 6 years ago
- Reactions: 1
- Comments: 24 (14 by maintainers)
I remove VS 2017, install VS 2015 from link and change BAZEL_VC , BAZEL_VS and it works now!