secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-azure: MountVolume.SetUp failed write tcp> write: broken pipe
What steps did you take and what happened: Upgraded from chart version 0.0.13 to 0.0.14. No issues the first couple of days. But now during a helm deployment, it’s trying to get secretproviderclass, but it’s unable to get it and times out which leads to failing the deployment.
What did you expect to happen: deploy without issues
Anything else you would like to add: it doesn’t seem consistent, sometimes it takes 2 times to redeploy to work around this issue and sometimes it requires more than 2 times to redeploy.
Which access mode did you use to access the Azure Key Vault instance: Service Principal
Environment: dev/sit/uat
Logs from:
- kubectl describe po -n xxx-xxx-xxx-dev xxx-xxx-xxx-dev-job-db-schema-operations-pre-qf6dq | grep Failed: Warning FailedMount 55m (x13 over 98m) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[secrets-store], unattached volumes=[secrets-store configuration default-token-hmkzz]: timed out waiting for the condition Warning FailedMount 19m (x10 over 92m) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[secrets-store], unattached volumes=[configuration default-token-hmkzz secrets-store]: timed out waiting for the condition Warning FailedMount 10m (x6 over 83m) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[secrets-store], unattached volumes=[default-token-hmkzz secrets-store configuration]: timed out waiting for the condition Warning FailedMount 5m15s (x55 over 100m) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “secrets-store” : mounter.SetupAt failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to get secretproviderclass xxx-xxx-xxx-dev/secret-store, error: Get write tcp> write: broken pipe
- kubectl get -n xxx-xxx-xxx-dev: NAME AGE secret-store 5d8h
- kubectl logs -n csi csi-secrets-store-provider-azure-1605689668-secrets-store-9s8wx secrets-store | grep xxx-xxx-xxx-dev | tail -n 10: E1124 16:55:48.018047 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:55:58.018589 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:55:58.018642 1 event.go:218] Unable to write event ‘&v1.Event{TypeMeta:v1.TypeMeta{Kind:“”, APIVersion:“”}, ObjectMeta:v1.ObjectMeta{Name:“xxx-xxx-xxx-dev-cron-5f74bdb9c8-zg46f.164a7a30b6515262”, GenerateName:“”, Namespace:“xxx-xxx-xxx-dev”, SelfLink:“”, UID:“”, ResourceVersion:“”, Generation:0, CreationTimestamp:v1.Time{Time:time.Time{wall:0x0, ext:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}}, DeletionTimestamp:(*v1.Time)(nil), DeletionGracePeriodSeconds:(*int64)(nil), Labels:map[string]string(nil), Annotations:map[string]string(nil), OwnerReferences:[]v1.OwnerReference(nil), Finalizers:[]string(nil), ClusterName:“”, ManagedFields:[]v1.ManagedFieldsEntry(nil)}, InvolvedObject:v1.ObjectReference{Kind:“Pod”, Namespace:“xxx-xxx-xxx-dev”, Name:“xxx-xxx-xxx-dev-cron-5f74bdb9c8-zg46f”, UID:“339855dc-afeb-4b64-bee4-8d654dd1539f”, APIVersion:“v1”, ResourceVersion:“22089452”, FieldPath:“”}, Reason:“FailedToCreateSecret”, Message:“failed to get mounted files, err: failed to list all files in target path /var/lib/kubelet/pods/339855dc-afeb-4b64-bee4-8d654dd1539f/volumes/, err: open /var/lib/kubelet/pods/339855dc-afeb-4b64-bee4-8d654dd1539f/volumes/ no such file or directory”, Source:v1.EventSource{Component:“csi-secrets-store-controller”, Host:“”}, FirstTimestamp:v1.Time{Time:time.Time{wall:0xbfe76669ac835662, ext:540880034792846, loc:(*time.Location)(0x272ec80)}}, LastTimestamp:v1.Time{Time:time.Time{wall:0xbfe76669ac835662, ext:540880034792846, loc:(*time.Location)(0x272ec80)}}, Count:1, Type:“Warning”, EventTime:v1.MicroTime{Time:time.Time{wall:0x0, ext:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}}, Series:(*v1.EventSeries)(nil), Action:“”, Related:(*v1.ObjectReference)(nil), ReportingController:“”, ReportingInstance:“”}’ (retry limit exceeded!) E1124 16:55:58.019152 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:56:00.082175 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:56:10.082834 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:56:20.083179 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:56:30.083602 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:56:40.084140 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping) E1124 16:56:50.084711 1 event.go:273] Unable to write event: ‘Patch write tcp> write: broken pipe’ (may retry after sleeping)
- kubectl get svc kubernetes: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 61d
Helm Chart Version: 0.0.14
Secrets Store CSI Driver version: (use the image tag):
Azure Key Vault provider version: (use the image tag):
Kubernetes version: (use kubectl version
and kubectl get nodes -o wide
): v1.17.9
Cluster type: (e.g. AKS, aks-engine, etc): AKS
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 4 years ago
- Comments: 16 (7 by maintainers)
@aramase I have encountered the same issue just now. The resolution was to force delete the CSI pods and delete and install the Helm chart again. The below is from the CSI
logs:And the pod logs:
UPDATE: Hope this additional info helps. We are running different CSI charts on production and pre-production clusters:
Only the
AKS cluster suffered from this issue. I have deployed the recent version for secret rotation feature.