functions-action: Linux Consumption Function app sync trigger fails with RBAC auth when WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE is already added with new URL
When we try to deploy our node function we are getting following error:
Run Azure/functions-action@v1.4.6
Using RBAC for authentication, GitHub Action will perform resource validation.
Successfully acquired site configs from function app!
Detected function app sku: Consumption
Successfully acquired app settings from function app (RBAC)!
Detected function app language: Node
Will archive . into /home/runner/work/_temp/temp_web_package_***.zip as function app content
Will use WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE to deploy since RBAC is detected and your function app is on Linux Consumption.
Error: Execution Exception (state: PublishContent) (step: Invocation)
Error: When request Azure resource at PublishContent, Sync Trigger Functionapp : Failed to perform sync trigger on function app. Function app may have malformed content. Please manually restart your function app and inspect the package from WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE.
Error: Deployment Failed!
When I check the WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE Parameter in Azure Portal, I see that the parameter is updated. Removing WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE from function and redeploying works.
Technical details:
- node function
- linux
- RBAC Deployment
- consumption plan
Any Idea, what could be wrong?
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: open
- Created 2 years ago
- Reactions: 1
- Comments: 24
Facing the issue a well, I was wondering if anyone was able to resolve this?
Go to azure portal and remove function app setting “WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE”. Once it is successful, then re-deploy using publish profile instead of RBAC like here:
WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE = 1 is not supported on Linux consumption because of which the other option is WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE = URL if the user wants to use a remote zip.
Using ZipDeploy path is the recommended path for Linux Consumption, and it doesn’t increase cold start.
Been experiencing this consistently for 6 months. I can run the same deployment 2 times, with this error the first time, and a successful deployment on the retry.
Using a publish profile with Zip Deploy has the issue of not preserving Linux file permissions, as described here.
According to my previous attempts using publish profiles, they are not compatible with
values being set, and these are necessary for package deployments. They must be set to a URL for a Linux consumption plan project according to this documentation: