azurehpc: BadRequest error creating a GPU VM instance
Hello, I’m using this config.json file to create a base VM for a GPU cluster but i’m getting a BadRequest and it just never finishes and i have to kill it. Any help please?
This is how i initiate it without changing anything in the config.json file:
azhpc-init -c ../azurehpc/examples/nvidia -d nvidia -v resource_group=smahane-gpu,vm_type=Standard_ND40rs_v2,location=eastu
The output is:
azhpc build
[2020-09-14 23:37:52] creating resource group smahane-gpu
[2020-09-14 23:37:53] writing out arm template to deploy_config.json
[2020-09-14 23:37:53] deploying arm template
jumpbox Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines Created
gpumaster Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines BadRequest
jumpbox_nic Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces Created
gpumaster_nic Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces Created
gpumaster_pip Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses OK
jumpbox_pip Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses OK
jumpbox_nsg Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups OK
hpcvnet Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks OK
gpumaster_nsg Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups OK
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 4 years ago
- Comments: 22
@xpillons I tested this in the gpu_gen2 and it worked. Thank you very much!