azure-cli-extensions: Error trying to move an image from eastus2 to westeurope

Describe the bug

Command Name az image copy Extension Name: image-copy-extension. Version: 0.2.1.


Command '['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Azure\\CLI2\\python.exe', '-m', 'azure.cli', 'snapshot', 'create', '--name', 'devopsVS2017-image-20191005203740_os_disk_snapshot', '--resource-group', 'AzureDeOps-rg', '--source', '/subscriptions/6f335c6c-6850-40da-a64c-37021daaa4c6/resourceGroups/AZUREDEOPS-RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/devopsVS2017_OsDisk_1_bf58f98dc70144cab32b31b4630d8a61', '--output', 'json', '--tags', 'created_by=image-copy-extension']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
pip-install-rg707cll\knack\knack\, ln 206, in invoke
cli\core\commands\, ln 603, in execute
cli\core\commands\, ln 661, in _run_jobs_serially

To Reproduce:

  • az login
  • az account set -s {}
  • az image copy --source-object-name {} --source-resource-group {} --target-resource-group {} --target-location {} --debug

Expected Behavior

Expected result is a successful move of the VM image to the new location in order to recreate the VM in the targeted resource group and location.

Environment Summary

Python 3.6.6
Shell: powershell.exe

azure-cli 2.0.73 *

azure-devops 0.12.0
image-copy-extension 0.2.1

Additional Context

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments: 22 (8 by maintainers)

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I would add the information above to help the support engineer focus on the actual issue…