azure-cli: Error running az apim command

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Describe the bug

Command Name az apim show


No module named 'azure.mgmt.apimanagement.models.api_management_client_enums'
Traceback (most recent call last):
pip-install-qxmmnr17\knack\knack\, ln 206, in invoke
cli\core\commands\, ln 523, in execute
azure\cli\core\, ln 291, in load_arguments
cli\core\commands\, ln 290, in load_arguments
pip-install-qxmmnr17\knack\knack\, ln 97, in load_arguments
cli\core\commands\, ln 709, in generic_show_arguments_loader
<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>, ln 678, in exec_module
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>, ln 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
cli\command_modules\apim\, ln 9, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'azure.mgmt.apimanagement.models.api_management_client_enums'

To Reproduce:

Steps to reproduce the behavior. Note that argument values have been redacted, as they may contain sensitive information.

  • Put any pre-requisite steps here…
  • az apim show

Expected Behavior

Environment Summary

Python 3.6.6
Shell: powershell.exe

azure-cli 2.0.72
azure-cli-iot-ext 0.7.1

alias 0.5.2
azure-cli-iot-ext 0.7.1
azure-devops 0.12.0
interactive 0.4.3
storage-preview 0.2.7
vm-repair 0.1.1
webapp 0.2.19

Additional Context

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions: 4
  • Comments: 16 (7 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

The file seems to reference a file called azure\mgmt\apimanagement\models\ however if we look in the azure\mgmt\apimanagement\models directory we see that the file is actually called

Removing the underscore in the filename seems to work. But in order to not break anything else I advice you to copy the file and remove the underscore from the copy, so that programs that reference the file with the underscore don’t break.

Disclaimer: I’m not familiar with the source, but this is a work around until it is officially fixed. I wouldn’t use this in any production environment.

@ the azure team,
In the file, shouldn’t the line

from azure.mgmt.apimanagement.models.api_management_client_enums import VirtualNetworkType, SkuType

just be

from azure.mgmt.apimanagement.models import VirtualNetworkType, SkuType

Those two classes are already exposed by the init file.

Same issue: azure-cli 2.0.80

command-modules-nspkg 2.0.3 core 2.0.80 nspkg 3.0.4 telemetry 1.0.4

Used workaround above:

When should we expect a fix for this issue?

@lprichar Sure. We have fixed this one and merged a PR. The new version will be available in the next week. Currently, you can use our edge build version.

Great that it works, but that’s exactly what I said in my earlier comment 😉

But in order to not break anything else I advice you to copy the file and remove the underscore from the copy, so that programs that reference the file with the underscore don’t break.

@wshamroukh I don’t think you should edit the custom.pyc file, since it’s a compiled python file, but it’s file location for me is is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\azure\cli\command_modules\apim\.

For the work-around you can find the api_management_client_enums file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\azure\mgmt\apimanagement\models\

For me not to get it working i had to have two files with the following names under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\azure\mgmt\apimanagement\models\:

Because when I renamed the file from to the was still looking for

@wshamroukh I don’t think you should edit the custom.pyc file, since it’s a compiled python file, but it’s file location for me is is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\azure\cli\command_modules\apim\.

For the work-around you can find the api_management_client_enums file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\azure\mgmt\apimanagement\models\