azure-cli: Can't upload blob files larger than 200GBytes
I’m running this command
az storage blob upload --container-name backup --file <some file> --type block --account-name <acount name) --account-key <key>
The file size is around than 210GB.
The upload fails with the message “Percent complete: % 96.0 The uncommitted block count cannot exceed the maximum limit of”
The documentation says: “each block can be a different size, up to a maximum of 100 MB (4 MB for requests using REST versions before 2016-05-31), and a block blob can include up to 50,000 blocks. The maximum size of a block blob is therefore slightly more than 4.75 TB (100 MB X 50,000 blocks)”
Environment summary
Install Method: How did you install the CLI? (e.g. pip, interactive script, apt-get, Docker, MSI, nightly)
Answer here:
curl -L | bash
CLI Version: What version of the CLI and modules are installed? (Use az --version
Answer here:
azure-cli (2.0.6)
acr (2.0.4) acs (2.0.6) appservice (0.1.6) batch (2.0.4) cdn (0.0.2) cloud (2.0.2) cognitiveservices (0.1.2) command-modules-nspkg (2.0.0) component (2.0.4) configure (2.0.6) core (2.0.6) cosmosdb (0.1.6) dla (0.0.6) dls (0.0.6) feedback (2.0.2) find (0.2.2) interactive (0.3.2) iot (0.1.5) keyvault (2.0.4) lab (0.0.4) monitor (0.0.4) network (2.0.6) nspkg (3.0.0) profile (2.0.4) rdbms (0.0.1) redis (0.2.3) resource (2.0.6) role (2.0.4) sf (1.0.1) sql (2.0.3) storage (2.0.6) vm (2.0.6)
Python (Linux) 2.7.5 (default, Aug 2 2016, 04:20:16) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)]
OS Version: What OS and version are you using?
Answer here: OSX Sierra
Shell Type: What shell are you using? (e.g. bash, cmd.exe, Bash on Windows)
Answer here: bash
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments: 19 (9 by maintainers)
@troydai @cornelcreanga Yes, this error in full is “The block list may not contain more than 50,000 blocks.”, which suggests the upload exceeds the 50k block limit. This indicates the block size being used is too small for the file being uploaded. If it’s truly set to 100 MB then it should cover up to ~5TB upload.