azure-cli: Cannot create consumption function app plan
az feedback
auto-generates most of the information requested below, as of CLI version 2.0.76
Describe the bug Cannot create azure function app plan of type consumption? Get following error message:
Invalid sku(pricing tier), please refer to command help for valid values
To Reproduce
Run following command:
az functionapp plan create --name myplan --resource-group mygroup --location westeurope --sku Y1
az functionapp plan create --name myplan --resource-group mygroup --location westeurope --sku Dynamic
Expected behavior
Creates a consumption function app plan in azure
Environment summary Install CLI version 2.0.76
Additional context Have tried both Y1 and Dynamic and it doesn’t work? Would be nice to have some examples what values it should be for the sku in the documentation also?
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: open
- Created 5 years ago
- Reactions: 10
- Comments: 24 (5 by maintainers)
@anthonychu is there a way to set the name of the created dynamic plan? I would like to get it to follow our conventions, the dynamic plan name sticking out just doesn’t look all the professional.
It’s not an optimal solution, but until they add this functionality to az cli, here’s a small ARM template that will let you customize the name of the ASP (obviously you’ll want to change the region to suit your needs):
Absolutely ridiculous that the only way to create a consumption plan is via an ARM template.
Either allow us to edit the plan name in the portal UI when the function app service is created, or allow us to create a consumption plan via the cli.