azure-cli: `az webapp create` doesnt support using a acr image

Describe the bug az webapp create can only create a webapp using a public dockerhub or built in image, it doesnt support passing in registry credentials for a acr image.

I’m trying to create a webapp based on a image in acr, but I cannot pass in the registry credentials into the create command. So I need to first create the webapp with a random public container, then run the az webapp config container set command that accepts registry credentials

To Reproduce run az webapp create --deployment-container-image-name no way of passing in registry credentials

Expected behavior I’d like to see consistency between the command line options for az webapp create --deployment-container-image-name and az webapp config container set --docker-custom-image-name

Environment summary Bash on Windows

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 14
  • Comments: 16 (8 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

We have it on our backlog and will update the thread once we finish the work, that’s said we don’t have an ETA to share right now

Also, if you have a container that needs certain environment variables set, there is no obvious way to create the webapp with the app settings. you have to first do az webapp create and then az webapp config appsettings set.

Would be nice to be able to create a new webapp from ACR and with environment variables correctly configured in a single step

This has been fixed.

We’re looking into it.