azure-cli: az vm encryption enable- doesn't allow for different key vault resource group


Outline the issue here: az vm encryption enable cmd does not allow specifying a different resource group for the key vault from the resource group the VM resides in. Az CLI 1.0 did allow for this. I can perform disk encryption via PowerShell though on the same VM and with the same Key Vault.

Environment summary

Install Method: How did you install the CLI? (e.g. pip, interactive script, apt-get, Docker, MSI, nightly)
Answer here: used CloudShell

CLI Version: What version of the CLI and modules are installed? (Use az --version)
Answer here: az --version 2.0

OS Version: What OS and version are you using?
Answer here: Windows 10 15063.540

Shell Type: What shell are you using? (e.g. bash, cmd.exe, Bash on Windows)
Answer here: Cloud Shell in Azure portal

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Comments: 20 (8 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

I don’t see that a solution was provided here so I thought I’d post one:

In Azure CLI, when a Key Vault exists in a separate resource group, if you use the full Resource ID property of the Key Vault, instead of just the Key Vault name, it will work:

az vm encryption enable -g MyResourceGroupName --name MyVMName --disk-encryption-keyvault /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/MyKeyVaultName

@tjprescott I provided the resourceID in this format: /subscriptions/3fd58db1-6100-4fa1-b575-5856e3364898/resourceGroups/s00140nrgpkvt00001/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/s00140cnkvt00001

I provided a value of TestRG for the VM resource group, and I received this error message: key Vault either has not been enabled for Volume Encryption or the vault id provided does not match /subscriptions/3fd58db1-6100-4fa1-b575-5856e3364898/resourceGroups/TestRG/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/s00140cnkvt00001’s true resource id.

So even though the resourceID indicates belonging to a different resource group, it is still attempting to find the key vault in the TestRG resource group, which makes it sound like there’s a bug.