azure-cli: az eventhubs eventhub update --enable-capture $false doesn't disable capture

When running az eventhubs eventhub update --enable-capture $false against an existing event hub with capture enabled, it does not disable capture. Here is the PUT that is sent out:

msrest.http_logger : Request method: ‘PUT’ msrest.http_logger : Request headers: msrest.http_logger : ‘Accept’: ‘application/json’ msrest.http_logger : ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’ msrest.http_logger : ‘accept-language’: ‘en-US’ msrest.http_logger : ‘Content-Length’: ‘602’ msrest.http_logger : ‘User-Agent’: ‘python/3.6.6 (Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1) msrest/0.6.8 msrest_azure/0.6.1 azure-mgmt-eventhub/2.6.0 Azure-SDK-For-Python AZURECLI/2.0.68’ msrest.http_logger : Request body: msrest.http_logger : {“properties”: {“messageRetentionInDays”: 7, “partitionCount”: 4, “status”: “Active”, “captureDescription”: {“enabled”: true, “encoding”: “Avro”, “intervalInSeconds”: 300, “sizeLimitInBytes”: 314572800, “destination”: {“name”: “EventHubArchive.AzureBlockBlob”, “properties”: {“storageAccountResourceId”: “/subscriptions/####/resourceGroups/####/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/####”, “blobContainer”: “auditexhaust”, “archiveNameFormat”: “{Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}”}}}}}

When using the portal to disable capture, the request payload shows:

id: “/subscriptions/####/resourceGroups/####/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/####/eventhubs/####” location: “West Europe” name: “####” properties: {messageRetentionInDays: 7, partitionIds: [“0”, “1”, “2”, “3”], partitionCount: 4,…} captureDescription: null messageRetentionInDays: 7 partitionCount: 4 partitionIds: [“0”, “1”, “2”, “3”] type: “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs”

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments: 17 (3 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Hi @thelethalkind and @PCNZ, we have fixed this in our latest release :

Please retry the operation and let us know in case you observe any discrepancy. Thanks

Yes it is working now. Tested with 2.32.0 which failed, then upgraded to 2.35.0 and confirmed working. ` az version { “azure-cli”: “2.32.0”, “azure-cli-core”: “2.32.0”, “azure-cli-telemetry”: “1.0.6”, “extensions”: {} }

az eventhubs eventhub update --name eventhubname --enable-capture false --namespace-name eventhubnamespace --resource-group resourcegroupname { “captureDescription”: { “destination”: { “archiveNameFormat”: “{Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}”, “blobContainer”: “”, “name”: “EventHubArchive.AzureBlockBlob”, “storageAccountResourceId”: “” }, “enabled”: true, “encoding”: “Avro”, “intervalInSeconds”: 300, “sizeLimitInBytes”: 314572800, “skipEmptyArchives”: null }, `

` az version { “azure-cli”: “2.35.0”, “azure-cli-core”: “2.35.0”, “azure-cli-telemetry”: “1.0.6”, “extensions”: {} }

az eventhubs eventhub update --name eventhubname --enable-capture false --namespace-name eventhubnamespace --resource-group resourcegroupname { “captureDescription”: { “destination”: { “archiveNameFormat”: “{Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}”, “blobContainer”: “”, “name”: “EventHubArchive.AzureBlockBlob”, “storageAccountResourceId”: “” }, “enabled”: false, “encoding”: “Avro”, “intervalInSeconds”: 300, “sizeLimitInBytes”: 314572800, “skipEmptyArchives”: null }, `

@thelethalkind Apologies for the late reply. We are looking into this issue. We will update this github thread once we have more details on this.

cc @Saglodha

Hi @thelethalkind and @PCNZ, thanks for sharing details. We would investigate this internally and would keep you posted.