azure-cli: az devops security group membership list - Returns dictionary instead of JSON array

When running following command

az devops security group membership list --id < vssgp ID or descriptor > \
                                        --detect false \
                                        --org < org. URL>

result is returned like

  "aad.YjU...": {
    "descriptor": "aad.YjU...",
    "directoryAlias": "...",
    "displayName": "...",
    "domain": "...",
    "legacyDescriptor": null,
    "mailAddress": "...",
    "metaType": "member",
    "origin": "aad",
    "originId": "...",
    "principalName": "...",
    "subjectKind": "user",
    "url": "..."
  "aad.ZWM...": {
    "descriptor": "aad.ZWM...",

Am I wrongly expecting result to be JSON array? Thanks.

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@VNoveski We have checked in our system and found the code related to this command so my team member v-sbestala is working on the same.

Thanks, Anjali

@FokkoVeegens apologies for the delay here, we are checking this and get back to you shortly.

@FokkoVeegens, we are receiving the same response from API, and we already reported this request to the API team. Once they have the sufficient bandwidth they will work on this request. if we have any updates from API team we will share with you. Thanks!

Hi @FokkoVeegens we digged the code and identified the same response is coming from the API (({organization}/_apis/Graph/Users/aad.{vssgp ID}), so, we need to work with the API team to make any changes. we will get back to you once we connect with the API team.

Seems to me like an infinite loop… These guys have already been cc’d and have indicated that they are not involved with this Azure CLI extension.

@VNoveski Thanks for the feedback! We are currently investigating and will update you shortly.