aws-sdk-java-v2: First DynamoDB request is very slow

Expected Behavior

All DynamoDB queries should take in the low 10s of milliseconds.

Current Behavior

DynamoDB queries are generally in the 10s of milliseconds however the first time a Dynamo function is executed I am seeing response times around 2s, subsequent queries then fall back to the expected levels.

Possible Solution

Unsure, I haven’t been able to identify anything from stepping through the code

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

I have written the following code to replicate the creation of the DynamoDbClient and the execution of four put requests. It assumes you have a table named “item” in your AWS account.

The results are below.

import java.util.UUID;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import com.ixxus.cnc.utils.SimpleTimer;


class DynamoClientCT {

    private static final SimpleTimer TIMER = new SimpleTimer();

    private static final String CONTEXT_ALL = "CONTEXT_ALL";

    void test() {




    private void createClientAndExecuteRequest() {
        final SdkHttpClient httpClient = UrlConnectionHttpClient.builder().build();

        final DefaultCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = DefaultCredentialsProvider.create();

        final DynamoDbClientBuilder builder = DynamoDbClient.builder();
        final DynamoDbClient client =;

        putItem(client, 1);
        putItem(client, 2);
        putItem(client, 3);
        putItem(client, 4);

    private void putItem(final DynamoDbClient client, final int count) {
        final PutItemRequest request = PutItemRequest.builder()
                .item(ImmutableMap.of("id", AttributeValue.builder().s(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).build()))


The following is the code for the SimpleTimer:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class SimpleTimer {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleTimer.class);

    Map<String, List<Long>> times = new TreeMap<String, List<Long>>();

    Map<String, Long> currentTime = new HashMap<>();

    public void start(final String context) {
        currentTime.put(context, System.currentTimeMillis());

    public void stop(final String context) {
        if (!currentTime.containsKey(context)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Start has not been called for context: " + context);
        times.computeIfAbsent(context, s -> new ArrayList<Long>())
                .add(System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTime.get(context));

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSummaryStatistics(final String context) {
        return times.getOrDefault(context, new ArrayList<Long>())
                .mapToDouble(a -> a)

    public void logAllSummaries(final String prefix) {
        LOGGER.debug("logAllSummaries: {}");
        times.keySet().forEach(ctx ->"{} - {} - {}", prefix, ctx, getSummaryStatistics(ctx)));


2019-07-11 15:14:17.746  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_ALL - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=1633.000000, min=1633.000000, average=1633.000000, max=1633.000000}
2019-07-11 15:14:17.747  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER_BUILD - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=4.000000, min=4.000000, average=4.000000, max=4.000000}
2019-07-11 15:14:17.748  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_DYNAMO_CLIENT_BUILD - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=594.000000, min=594.000000, average=594.000000, max=594.000000}
2019-07-11 15:14:17.748  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_DYNAMO_CLIENT_EXECUTE_1 - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=884.000000, min=884.000000, average=884.000000, max=884.000000}
2019-07-11 15:14:17.748  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_DYNAMO_CLIENT_EXECUTE_2 - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=29.000000, min=29.000000, average=29.000000, max=29.000000}
2019-07-11 15:14:17.749  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_DYNAMO_CLIENT_EXECUTE_3 - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=70.000000, min=70.000000, average=70.000000, max=70.000000}
2019-07-11 15:14:17.749  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_DYNAMO_CLIENT_EXECUTE_4 - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=29.000000, min=29.000000, average=29.000000, max=29.000000}
2019-07-11 15:14:17.750  INFO  SimpleTimer:49 - DynamoClientCT - CONTEXT_HTTP_CLIENT_BUILD - DoubleSummaryStatistics{count=1, sum=23.000000, min=23.000000, average=23.000000, max=23.000000}

As you can see the first put takes 884ms then the three subsequent ones take 29, 70, and 29ms making the first request at least an order of magnitude slower. Add in the 600ms for the DynamoDbClient creation and that’s quite a long time.


This code is used in a Lambda function serving a REST API which is one of the canonical use cases for Lambdas. The expectation is that the function should be quick to respond and as shown by the subsequent requests, this is a reasonable expectation. The results above are actually far better than we are seeing when deployed to Lambda - our first Dynamo execution is consistently around 2s +/-0.2s. We are not using a VPC and the Lambdas have 1024MB memory.

Your Environment

The above code was run on my machine to get the provided results but we are deploying virtually identical code to an AWS Lambda with 1024MB memory.

  • AWS Java SDK version used: 2.5.48
  • JDK version used: 1.8
  • Operating System and version: N/A - using AWS Lambda

I have some questions:

  1. Are there other settings or configuration we could be providing to reduce the time to build the client and execute the first request?
  2. What causes the first request to be so much slower than subsequent requests?

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions: 8
  • Comments: 32 (12 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Hi @ocind. I’m quite surprised more people haven’t encountered the problem, it fundamentally undermines one of the main reference architectures for AWS Lambda IMO.

The only way we have found to reduce the time is by warming the Lambdas. However the normal Lambda warming (for example, using, serverless-plugin-warmup) isn’t enough; you need to make a Dynamo request so that the connection is established to do the SSL negotiation, setup connection pooling, etc. We use DynamoDbClient#describeEndpoints for this as it is a harmless operation. Note that you’ll need to do something similar for this for every AWS service you use from Lambda. For example we also use Cognito and call CognitoIdentityProviderClient#listUserPools as part of our warming process.

I also have encountered this issue - I tried a few things but found that increasing the memory size was the only thing that seemed to make an impact. My findings:

Lambda memory size (mb) First DynamoDB query duration (seconds) Total request time (seconds)
128 (min) Timeout (>30) Timeout (>30)
256 (initial) 9.0 12.9
512 4.2 7.3
832 2.3 5.0
1024 2.0 4.5
1280 1.7 4.2
1600 1.2 3.6
1856 1.1 3.3
2048 1.0 3.2
2560 0.86 2.8
3008 (max) 0.78 2.6


We are using the DynamoDBMapper, but I tried switching over to using QuerySpec instead and manually mapping the result to a POJO and it didn’t make a noticeable performance difference. I’d love to know if anyone has found a more consistent solution, but this at least helped make the times more reasonable (we were at 256 MB to start and it was unusable on cold starts).

hi @stuartleylandcole , thank you so much for a very detailed explanation and benchmark. I am actually having the same issue, and your investigation results above is really helpful. I would like to know if you have found some other way to shave off some more time in regards to the first request to DynamoDb. Have you gained any updates from Support or other forums?

I think it is unacceptable that a 1024MB lambda takes 2s to execute first DynamoDb request. This is actually worse than AWS Lambda cold start itself 😦

@stuartleylandcole Sure! Below are the patterns we use in the archetype to reduce SDK startup time:

  • Initialize the SDK client outside of the lambda function.
  • client configuration
    • default to use UrlConnectionHttpClient to reduce jar size
    • specify the region
    • specify credentialsProvider to be EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
  • pom.xml
    • exclude netty-nio-client and apache-client dependencies from service client dependency (they are included by default) to reduce jar size.

Update: please check out for best practices to reduce SDK startup time

Thanks for replying @sl-omideidivandi. i have set tcpKeepAlive as true. But still same behaviour. i mean after 2-3 idle time if request is made, first the connection is shutting down then reestablishing the connection. Well this problem exist, but it is ok since reestablishing the connection is taking some 20-30 ms.

Now i noticed some different issue. i am firing request to dynamodb after every 5 mins of idle time. And i found 20% of request randomly goes more than 1s. which totally unacceptable. BTW i fired around 100 request.

To avoid this above issue i am warming up the DB by making dummy DB call every 1 min. But this solution seems not full proof. i mean now the 20% has decrease to 1% but still this issue exist i am afraid this issue is not related to property changes. Seems like some other issue.

I tried to investigate more by printing SDK log. and found logs similar to @stuartleylandcole. only that after DynamoDBEnhancedClient call it is going to ExecutionInterceptorChain -Creating an interceptor chain that will apply interceptors. i found whenever it is taking more than 1s it is taking in above two steps. Not sure if it is some sdk issue.

should i be creating a bug for this.

BTW i am doing all this from ECS. Lambda is not involve in my case.

Hi @biletnikov, from your previous comment, it seems you are using DynamoDBMapper from AWS Java SDK 1.11.x. We are aware of the slow startup issue in 1.11.x, and unfortunately there is not much we can do to improve it while still maintaining backwards compatibility.

We are actively working on the implementation of Dynamodb mapper 2.x, and it’s currently in preview.

Hi @biletnikov, we don’t have a public timeline at the moment, but DynamoDbMapper v2 is definitely one of our top priorities right now. The work is tracked in #35

Hi @Nxtra Sure! One of the main reasons is that 1.11.x SDK uses ApacheHttpClient under the hood and initializing it can be expensive. Checkout this comment for more info. Let me know if you have further questions!

Hi all, we have released a maven archetype archetype-lambda that helps customers bootstrap a lambda function faster with SDK recommended practices to achieve minimal SDK startup time.

mvn archetype:generate \ \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=archetype-lambda \

See for more info

Please try it out and let us know if you have any feedback! 😃

hi @stuartleylandcole I think my use case is very similar to yours. We also use Dynamo and Cognito. On lambda warmup calls, currently we also initialize all the sdk clients and try to make a dummy request for each one.

In one of our Lambda functions, we actually have 2 Dynamo tables to read values from. I did some experiment couple months ago, and we found that while writing to different tables, first request to each table would involve setting up SSL handshake again. Currently we warm the connections by performing describe-table request for each table.

We use DynamoDbClient#describeEndpoints for this as it is a harmless operation

Hmmm, I didn’t know that describeEndpoints works in this case, I will check it out.

Thank you for the insights

Hi @debora-ito @dagnir. Thank you for your reply and apologies for not responding sooner.

I think my question has been answered, at least in relation to the SDK - I have others concerns about the viability of Lambdas for a REST API backed by DynamoDB given the timings shown above but I don’t think this is the place to raise them. Do you happen to know the correct place to raise this?

Many thanks for your help! I’m happy for this issue to be closed now.

Hi @dagnir, thank you for your replies! I’ve been doing some further investigation and wanted to report back my findings and ask for some further assistance.

With a 1024MB Lambda the first DynamoDB request reliably takes 2s from executing the request to receiving a response. Note that this does not include time to build DynamoDbClient nor any of its dependencies (SdkHttpClient, etc). Building DynamoDbClient itself takes 400ms. Here is a log showing the client build and request. Note that I have used the ApacheHttpClient instead of UrlConnectionClient here so I could enable trace logging - using this client has not affected the times taken to make the DynamoDB request, they are inline with my original post, although I concede it probably takes longer to initialise so I will revert back when deploying for real.

2019-07-15 11:04:41.030 DEBUG CommonModule:26 - Starting to build DynamoDB client
2019-07-15 11:04:41.473 DEBUG CommonModule:28 - Finished building DynamoDB client
2019-07-15 11:04:42.172 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG ItemFetcher:50 - Retrieving item with key {id=AttributeValue(S=5fb7d27c-0447-411c-9c73-bbbbcb816cfe,,,, M=software
2019-07-15 11:04:42.318 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG AwsCredentialsProviderChain:95 - Unable to load credentials from SystemPropertyCredentialsProvider(): Unable to load credentials from system settings. Access key must be specified either via environment variable (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) or system property (aws.accessKeyId). Unabl
2019-07-15 11:04:42.333 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG AwsCredentialsProviderChain:84 - Loading credentials from EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider()
2019-07-15 11:04:42.351 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG ExecutionInterceptorChain:84 - Creating an interceptor chain that will apply interceptors in the following order: []
2019-07-15 11:04:42.556 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG request:84 - Sending Request: DefaultSdkHttpFullRequest(httpMethod=POST, protocol=https,, encodedPath=/, headers=[amz-sdk-invocation-id, Content-Length, Content-Type, User-Agent, X-Amz-Target], queryParameters=[])
2019-07-15 11:04:42.613 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a TRACE Aws4Signer:126 - AWS4 Canonical Request: POST / amz-sdk-invocation-id:80f99976-67fc-b5d6-37fc-cacdb75683cb amz-sdk-retry:0/0/500 content-length:91 content-type:application/x-amz-json-1.0 x-amz-date:20190715T110442Z x-amz-security-token:AgoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEKv//////////wEaCWV1LXdlc3QtMSJHMEUCIQCvkA
2019-07-15 11:04:42.631 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG Aws4Signer:84 - AWS4 String to sign: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20190715T110442Z 20190715/eu-west-1/dynamodb/aws4_request 905a861c122219a97b2b584d0c7e9e1e6e1257fd99460c5f014ee99b2df67b8c
2019-07-15 11:04:42.634 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a TRACE Aws4Signer:126 - Generating a new signing key as the signing key not available in the cache for the date: 1563148800000
2019-07-15 11:04:42.992 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a TRACE SdkTlsSocketFactory:126 - Connecting to
2019-07-15 11:04:43.194 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG SdkTlsSocketFactory:84 - socket.getSupportedProtocols(): [SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2], socket.getEnabledProtocols(): [TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2]
2019-07-15 11:04:43.211 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG SdkTlsSocketFactory:84 - TLS protocol enabled for SSL handshake: [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
2019-07-15 11:04:43.950 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG SdkSslSocket:84 - created:
2019-07-15 11:04:44.094 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG request:84 - Received successful response: 200

I have also run the same code on a 2048MB Lambda to compare times and they are roughly half the time for the 1024MB Lambda, except for building DynamoDbClient - that still takes 400ms. Here is the log:

2019-07-15 11:55:19.645 DEBUG CommonModule:26 - Starting to build DynamoDB client
2019-07-15 11:55:20.063 DEBUG CommonModule:28 - Finished building DynamoDB client
2019-07-15 11:55:20.577 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG ItemFetcher:50 - Retrieving item with key {id=AttributeValue(S=e97498c4-4bbf-42d7-97c9-86cbe98575e3,,,, M=software
2019-07-15 11:55:20.663 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG AwsCredentialsProviderChain:95 - Unable to load credentials from SystemPropertyCredentialsProvider(): Unable to load credentials from system settings. Access key must be specified either via environment variable (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) or system property (aws.accessKeyId). Unabl
2019-07-15 11:55:20.669 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG AwsCredentialsProviderChain:84 - Loading credentials from EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider()
2019-07-15 11:55:20.674 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG ExecutionInterceptorChain:84 - Creating an interceptor chain that will apply interceptors in the following order: []
2019-07-15 11:55:20.763 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG request:84 - Sending Request: DefaultSdkHttpFullRequest(httpMethod=POST, protocol=https,, encodedPath=/, headers=[amz-sdk-invocation-id, Content-Length, Content-Type, User-Agent, X-Amz-Target], queryParameters=[])
2019-07-15 11:55:20.791 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba TRACE Aws4Signer:126 - AWS4 Canonical Request: POST / amz-sdk-invocation-id:3772b0c5-757d-ce7f-e32f-77c5df238715 amz-sdk-retry:0/0/500 content-length:91 content-type:application/x-amz-json-1.0 x-amz-date:20190715T115520Z x-amz-security-token:AgoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEKv//////////wEaCWV1LXdlc3QtMSJHMEUCIQCvkA
2019-07-15 11:55:20.795 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG Aws4Signer:84 - AWS4 String to sign: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20190715T115520Z 20190715/eu-west-1/dynamodb/aws4_request d0243cc15e289b4d98de1e7c3ffcd503b7a23e226957337e0d6145e2d291bc06
2019-07-15 11:55:20.798 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba TRACE Aws4Signer:126 - Generating a new signing key as the signing key not available in the cache for the date: 1563148800000
2019-07-15 11:55:20.964 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba TRACE SdkTlsSocketFactory:126 - Connecting to
2019-07-15 11:55:21.037 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG SdkTlsSocketFactory:84 - socket.getSupportedProtocols(): [SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2], socket.getEnabledProtocols(): [TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2]
2019-07-15 11:55:21.039 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG SdkTlsSocketFactory:84 - TLS protocol enabled for SSL handshake: [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
2019-07-15 11:55:21.394 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG SdkSslSocket:84 - created:
2019-07-15 11:55:21.433 e3cf38b2-24d5-4d2b-bbef-1a81cf0046ba DEBUG request:84 - Received successful response: 200

A quick summary (all times in ms):

Step 1024MB 2048MB
DynamoDbClient build 440 420
Unknown 150 86
Creating interceptor chain 200 90
Generating new signing key 360 170
Establishing SSL connection 960 430

Even with the timings on the 2048MB sized Lambda this makes it quite difficult to run a REST API using Lambdas as a cold start will incur both the normal Lambda cold start time (1-2s) plus the DynamoDB overhead (1s). Equally these Lambdas do not require anything like 2GB of memory, they are using less than 200MB but I realise that CPU scales with memory which is why I performed this test - ideally I would be using 512MB or less.

Some questions to finish with:

  1. Having seen the trace logging and timing is there anything you can recommend that would speed up the first request execution?
  2. What is happening during the DynamoDbClient creation that takes 400ms? Why would this be so consistent across the two different Lambdas when other timings are roughly proportional
  3. What is happening at the ‘Unknown’ step in the table above - this is between the following two lines of logging, the first of which is my code calling DynamoDbClient#getItem:
2019-07-15 11:04:42.172 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG ItemFetcher:50 - Retrieving item with key {id=AttributeValue(S=5fb7d27c-0447-411c-9c73-bbbbcb816cfe,,,, M=software
2019-07-15 11:04:42.318 4762e9b6-bc2a-4bfb-9d62-3332c459314a DEBUG AwsCredentialsProviderChain:95 - Unable to load credentials from SystemPropertyCredentialsProvider(): Unable to load credentials from system settings. Access key must be specified either via environment variable (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) or system property (aws.accessKeyId). Unabl

Thank you for any help you can provide. Hopefully we are able to reduce these times as at the moment I’m not sure that Lambdas providing a REST API in front of DynamoDB is a viable architecture.