mongoose: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.ts(2589)


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when use bulkwrite show ts error can help for solved this error

this my model:

export class BaseModel {
  _id?: string;

  createdAt?: Date;

  updatedAt?: Date
export class Member extends BasicModel {
  @Field(() => GraphQLBigInt)
  memberId?: number;

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  firstname?: string;

  lastname?: string;

  password?: string;

  public regMember?: RegMember;

export class MemberData {
  @Field(() => [Member])
  docs?: Member[];

export const MemberModel = getModelForClass(Member) as ISoftDeleteModel<
  typeof Member

sample code:

       updateOne: {
         filter: {
           firstname: "test"
         update: {

in this block show error:

filter: {
            firstname: "test"

and show this error:

(property) firstname: string
Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.ts(2589)
Type of property 'Duplex' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in "prototype" | "on" | "once" | "setMaxListeners" | "listenerCount" | "pipeline" | "getEventListeners" | "errorMonitor" | "captureRejectionSymbol" | "captureRejections" | "defaultMaxListeners" | ... 14 more ... | "consumers"]: (typeof Writable)[Key] extends typeof Writable ? [...] : typeof Writable extends (...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'PassThrough' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in "prototype" | "on" | "once" | "setMaxListeners" | "listenerCount" | "pipeline" | "getEventListeners" | "errorMonitor" | "captureRejectionSymbol" | "captureRejections" | "defaultMaxListeners" | ... 14 more ... | "consumers"]: (typeof Writable)[Key] extends typeof Writable ? [...] : typeof Writable extends (...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Query' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ get: ["get"]; set: ["set"]; default: ["default"]; deleteModel: ["deleteModel"]; models: any; model: ["model"]; modelNames: ["modelNames"]; plugin: ["plugin"]; startSession: ["startSession"]; ... 35 more ...; mquery: [...] | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Readable' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in "prototype" | "on" | "once" | "setMaxListeners" | "listenerCount" | "pipeline" | "getEventListeners" | "errorMonitor" | "captureRejectionSymbol" | "captureRejections" | "defaultMaxListeners" | ... 14 more ... | "consumers"]: (typeof Writable)[Key] extends typeof Writable ? [...] : typeof Writable extends (...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Stream' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in "prototype" | "on" | "once" | "setMaxListeners" | "listenerCount" | "pipeline" | "getEventListeners" | "errorMonitor" | "captureRejectionSymbol" | "captureRejections" | "defaultMaxListeners" | ... 14 more ... | "consumers"]: (typeof Writable)[Key] extends typeof Writable ? [...] : typeof Writable extends (...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Transform' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in "prototype" | "on" | "once" | "setMaxListeners" | "listenerCount" | "pipeline" | "getEventListeners" | "errorMonitor" | "captureRejectionSymbol" | "captureRejections" | "defaultMaxListeners" | ... 14 more ... | "consumers"]: (typeof Writable)[Key] extends typeof Writable ? [...] : typeof Writable extends (...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Writable' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ from: ["from"]; prototype: ["prototype"] | ["prototype", "read"] | ["prototype", "destroy"] | ["prototype", "eventNames"] | ["prototype", "addListener"] | ["prototype", "on"] | ... 38 more ... | [...]; ... 25 more ...; consumers: [...] | ... 4 more ... | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Writable' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ from: ["from"]; prototype: ["prototype"] | ["prototype", "read"] | ["prototype", "destroy"] | ["prototype", "eventNames"] | ["prototype", "addListener"] | ["prototype", "on"] | ... 55 more ... | [...]; ... 25 more ...; consumers: [...] | ... 4 more ... | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Writable' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ from: ["from"]; prototype: ["prototype"] | ["prototype", "read"] | ["prototype", "destroy"] | ["prototype", "eventNames"] | ["prototype", "addListener"] | ["prototype", "on"] | ... 57 more ... | [...]; ... 25 more ...; consumers: [...] | ... 4 more ... | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'Writable' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ prototype: ["prototype"] | ["prototype", "eventNames"] | ["prototype", "addListener"] | ["prototype", "on"] | ["prototype", "once"] | ["prototype", "removeListener"] | ... 10 more ... | [...]; ... 22 more ...; consumers: [...] | ... 4 more ... | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property '_mongooseOptions' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ remove: ["remove"]; populate: ["populate"]; lean: ["lean"]; catch: ["catch"]; then: ["then"]; tailable: ["tailable"]; error: ["error"]; slice: ["slice"]; $where: ["$where"]; deleteOne: ["deleteOne"]; ... 85 more ...; within: [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'autoEncryption' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ raw: ["raw"]; forceServerObjectId: ["forceServerObjectId"]; readConcern: ["readConcern"] | ["readConcern", "toJSON"] | ["readConcern", "level"]; retryWrites: ["retryWrites"]; ... 65 more ...; tls: [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'base' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any>]: Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any>[Key] extends Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any> ? [Key] : Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any> extends Model<...>[Key] ? [...] : Model<...>[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? Model<...> extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends Model<...> ? [...]...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'childSchemas' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, "type", { [x: string]: any; }>]: Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, "type", { ...; }>[Key] extends Schema<...> ? [...] : Schema<...> extends Schema<...>[Key] ? [...] : Schema<...>[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayTy...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'collections' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ close: ["close"]; collection: ["collection"]; db: ["db"] | ["db", "collection"] | ["db", "options"] | ["db", "readConcern"] | ["db", "readConcern", "toJSON"] | ["db", "readConcern", "level"] | ... 103 more ... | [...]; ... 44 more ...; eventNames: [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'conn' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof Collection<Document>]: Collection<Document>[Key] extends Collection<Document> ? [Key] : Collection<...> extends Collection<...>[Key] ? [...] : Collection<...>[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? Collection<...> extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends Collection<...> ? [...] : [...] : [....'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'db' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ validate: ["validate"]; remove: ["remove"]; populate: ["populate"]; $where: ["$where"]; baseModelName: ["baseModelName"]; collection: ["collection"] | ["collection", ...any[]]; db: ["db"] | [...]; ... 61 more ...; ensureIndexes: [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'defaultTransactionOptions' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof ClientSession]: ClientSession[Key] extends ClientSession ? [Key] : ClientSession extends ClientSession[Key] ? [...] : ClientSession[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? ClientSession extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends ClientSession ? [...] : [...] : [...] | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'discriminators' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any>]: Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any>[Key] extends Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any> ? [Key] : Model<any, {}, {}, {}, any> extends Model<...>[Key] ? [...] : Model<...>[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? Model<...> extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends Model<...> ? [...]...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'discriminators' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, "type", { [x: string]: any; }>]: Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, "type", { ...; }>[Key] extends Schema<...> ? [...] : Schema<...> extends Schema<...>[Key] ? [...] : Schema<...>[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayTy...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'keyVaultClient' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof AutoEncryptionOptions]: AutoEncryptionOptions[Key] extends AutoEncryptionOptions ? [...] : AutoEncryptionOptions extends AutoEncryptionOptions[Key] ? [...] : AutoEncryptionOptions[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? AutoEncryptionOptions extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends AutoEncry...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'model' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ options: ["options"] | ["options", string]; populate: ["populate"]; match: ["match"]; select: ["select"]; transform: ["transform"]; model: ["model"] | ["model", ...any[]]; path: ["path"]; perDocumentLimit: [...]; strictPopulate: [...]; justOne: [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'models' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof Connection]: Connection[Key] extends Connection ? [Key] : Connection extends Connection[Key] ? [...] : Connection[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? Connection extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends Connection ? [...] : [...] : [...] | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'models' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ get: ["get"]; set: ["set"]; default: ["default"]; deleteModel: ["deleteModel"]; models: ["models"] | ["models", string] | ["models", string, ...any[]]; model: ["model"]; modelNames: ["modelNames"]; ... 37 more ...; mquery: [...] | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'options' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ options: ["options"] | ["options", ...any[]]; close: ["close"]; db: ["db"]; readConcern: ["readConcern"] | ["readConcern", "toJSON"] | ["readConcern", "level"]; readPreference: [...] | ... 12 more ... | [...]; ... 24 more ...; withSession: [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'options' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ options: ["options"] | ["options", ...any[]]; isPinned: ["isPinned"]; recoveryToken: ["recoveryToken"]; isStarting: ["isStarting"]; isActive: ["isActive"]; isCommitted: ["isCommitted"]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'paths' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, "type", { [x: string]: any; }>]: Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, "type", { ...; }>[Key] extends Schema<...> ? [...] : Schema<...> extends Schema<...>[Key] ? [...] : Schema<...>[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayTy...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'populate' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ populate: ["populate"] | ["populate", ...any[]]; lean: ["lean"]; strict: ["strict"]; sanitizeProjection: ["sanitizeProjection"]; sanitizeFilter: ["sanitizeFilter"]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'prototype' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ prototype: ["prototype"] | ["prototype", ...any[]]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'schema' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ options: ["options"]; validate: ["validate"]; get: ["get"]; schema: ["schema"] | ["schema", ...any[]]; set: ["set"]; index: ["index"]; default: ["default"]; text: ["text"]; cast: ["cast"]; required: [...]; ... 10 more ...; validators: [...] | ... 11 more ... | [...]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'schema' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ schema: ["schema"] | ["schema", ...any[]]; model: ["model"]; }'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'session' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof TransactionOptions]: TransactionOptions[Key] extends TransactionOptions ? [Key] : TransactionOptions extends TransactionOptions[Key] ? [...] : TransactionOptions[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? TransactionOptions extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends TransactionOptions ? [...] : [...'.ts(2615)
Type of property 'transaction' circularly references itself in mapped type '{ [Key in keyof ClientSession]: ClientSession[Key] extends ClientSession ? [Key] : ClientSession extends ClientSession[Key] ? [...] : ClientSession[Key] extends readonly (infer ArrayType)[] ? ClientSession extends ArrayType ? [...] : ArrayType extends ClientSession ? [...] : [...] : [...] | [...]; }'.ts(2615)

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions: 5
  • Comments: 18

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Most upvoted comments

thanks for the explanation @IslandRhythms, it seems we had a different understanding of the label meanings, thanks for clarifying (personally in my projects i have needs repro script if there is no repro script present and has repro script if a repro script is present and actually reproduces it, regardless if other labels are present)

Based off of @hasezoey 's script here: I’d advise either using Mongoose’s automatic type inference:

const BaseModel = mongoose.model<typeof baseModelClassSchema>('test', baseModelClassSchema);

or calling mongoose.model<> with the raw doc type as the first generic:

const BaseModel = mongoose.model<BaseModelClassDoc>('test', baseModelClassSchema);

rather than trying to manually create a hydrated document type and passing it to mongoose.model<>. That being said, we’ll investigate more to see if we can come up with a fix.