yesqa: BUG False positive removal on windows due to IOError

First of all thanks for yet another great tool 😄 Today I was adding pre-commit (one hook at a time) to an existing codebase and when I added yesqa, it started having a nasty fight with the flaek8 hook. When I ran pre-commit run --all on linux (WSL) there was no problem, so I did some digging.

When I started printing the responses from flake8, I found that all false positive removals returned 0 E902, which corresponds to an IOError.

I added:



My guess is that this is due to NamedTemporaryFile only being partially supported by windows.

My local quick and dirty hotfix for now is adding another check, like the one you use:

    if any('E902' in v for v in flake8_results.values()):
        print(f'{filename}: IO error (skipping)')
        return 0

P.S.: Not sure where E999 comes from, but judging by the error message this might be a typo/the error code changed and you might have meant to write E901

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments: 18 (18 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

sounds good, send a patch!

you’ll probably also want to set up CI for windows, you can probably do something similar to what is done for pyupgrade:

also you’d use try: finally: no need to catch an exception if you were going to approach it that way!

BTW, also huge props, I think those are the quickest replies I ever got on any issue.