argo-workflows: Why am I failing to implement the memoize-simple.yaml example?

Hello, I am failing when I try to run the example found here:

Here is my error msg:

Message:             failed to resolve artifact repository: error getting config map for artifact repository ref "default/my-config#whalesay-cache": failed to unmarshall config map key "whalesay-cache" for artifact repository ref "default/my-config#whalesay-cache": error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type v1alpha1.ArtifactRepository

I am using the suggested configmap (“my-config”) as an artifact-repository, along with a configmap to specify the emissary containerRuntimeExecutor. Both configmaps are applied and can be retrieved. I have tried putting “my-config” (the artifact repository) in both the default and argo namespaces - neither is successful.

Here are my yamls

   "apiVersion": "v1",
   "data": {
      "containerRuntimeExecutor": "emissary",
      "workflowDefaults": "{\"annotations\": {\"\": \">= 3.1.0\"}, \"metadata\": { }, \"spec\": {\"artifactRepositoryRef\": {\"configMap\": \"my-config\", \"key\": \"whalesay-cache\"}, \"entrypoint\": \"entrypoint\", \"parallelism\": 3, \"podGC\": {\"strategy\": \"OnWorkflowSuccess\"}, \"securityContext\": {\"fsGroup\": 2000, \"runAsGroup\": 3000, \"runAsUser\": 1000}, \"ttlStrategy\": {\"secondsAfterSuccess\": 5}}}"
   "kind": "ConfigMap",
   "metadata": {
      "name": "workflow-controller-configmap",
      "namespace": "argo"
   "apiVersion": "v1",
   "data": {
      "whalesay-cache": "whalesay-cache"
   "kind": "ConfigMap",
   "metadata": {
      "annotations": {
         "": "whalesay-cache"
      "name": "my-config",

kind: Workflow
  generateName: memoized-simple-workflow-
  entrypoint: whalesay
    - name: message
      value: test-5
  - name: whalesay
      - name: message
      key: "{{inputs.parameters.message}}"
      maxAge: "10s"
          name: my-config
          key: whalesay-cache
      image: docker/whalesay:latest
      command: [sh, -c]
      args: ["cowsay {{inputs.parameters.message}} > /tmp/hello_world.txt"]
      - name: hello
          path: /tmp/hello_world.txt

Here are the relevant logs from the workflow controller:

time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.783Z" level=info msg="Watch cronworkflows 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.805Z" level=info msg="Update leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.806Z" level=info msg="Watch workflows 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.855Z" level=info msg="Processing workflow" namespace=default workflow=memoized-simple-workflow-5n6pw
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.871Z" level=info msg="Get configmaps 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.872Z" level=info msg="Updated phase  -> Error" namespace=default workflow=memoized-simple-workflow-5n6pw
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.872Z" level=info msg="Updated message  -> failed to resolve artifact repository: error getting config map for artifact repository ref \"default/my-config#whalesay-cache\": failed to unmarshall config map key \"whalesay-cache\" for artifact repository ref \"default/my-config#whalesay-cache\": error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type v1alpha1.ArtifactRepository" namespace=default workflow=memoized-simple-workflow-5n6pw
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.872Z" level=info msg="Marking workflow completed" namespace=default workflow=memoized-simple-workflow-5n6pw
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.873Z" level=info msg="Checking daemoned children of " namespace=default workflow=memoized-simple-workflow-5n6pw
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.875Z" level=info msg="Watch workflows 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.896Z" level=info msg="Create events 201"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.897Z" level=info msg="Update workflows 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:51.924Z" level=info msg="Workflow update successful" namespace=default phase=Error resourceVersion=1542568 workflow=memoized-simple-workflow-5n6pw
time="2021-10-12T13:25:56.819Z" level=info msg="Get leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:25:56.829Z" level=info msg="Update leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:26:01.847Z" level=info msg="Get leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:26:01.856Z" level=info msg="Update leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:26:06.865Z" level=info msg="Get leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:26:06.877Z" level=info msg="Update leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:26:11.901Z" level=info msg="Get leases 200"
time="2021-10-12T13:26:11.912Z" level=info msg="Update leases 200"

I am running argo: v3.1.13 kubectl v 1.22.2 ubuntu 20.04

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About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments: 22 (11 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

You are missing update permission on configmaps.

If you edit that configmap data.test-5.outputs.value to be something different and run the workflow again, the output of the new workflow will use the new value instead.