argo-cd: ArgoCD stuck on "Refresh"

hi! we are using ArgoCD v1.5.4+36bade7 to orchestrate our applications in our EKS k8s cluster, we’ve tried editing the argocd-server ConfigMap to make it ignore differences on deployments replicas, we’ve using documentation ( We changed the ConfigMap using:

  resource.customizations: |
      ignoreDifferences: |
        - /spec/replicas

after I redeployed the deployment using kubectl rollout restart deployment argocd-server -n argocd it worked, but it wasn’t what we were expecting, and we removed the resource.customizations from the configmap and redeployed the argocd-server again. Now, after redeployment, every application is stuck on refresh, and I cannot see pods (in photo) but they are present in the cluster, as I can see them with kubectl get pods command… is this something that has to do with restarting the deployment? I can see the github repositories where we keep the charts but maybe we lost the connection with the cluster? Screenshot 2020-08-04 at 13 33 58

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions: 17
  • Comments: 25 (7 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Still encounter this issue in v2.4.8

The root cause for my case turns out to be an extra-large list of CRDs caused by a bug in cert-manager. Cluster cache initialization/refresh was blocked on listing all the resources.

Just another bump on this thread. I too have been experimenting with ArgoCD, and ran into this issue.

Running v1.8.0+fdb5ada , which is pretty fresh.

ed unary call with code Unknown" error="cache: key is missing" grpc.code=Unknown grpc.method=ManagedResources grpc.service=application.ApplicationService grpc.start_time="2020-12-09T01:52:50Z" grpc.time_ms=238.234 span.kind=server system=grpc

Restarting Redis had no effect.

For me, kubectl -n argocd delete pod argocd-application-controller-0 “fixed” the issue, but before I stake the future of my ops to ArgoCD I would love to understand why or how this happens.