trivy: failed to download vulnerability DB in trivy 0.32.0+
I’ve been having trouble using trivy versions 0.32.0 and higher for several weeks. Trivy cli 0.32.0 and higher cannot seem to download the vulnerability DB from github. I can use these versions of trivy successfully if i first scan an image with trivy version 0.31.3, which downloads the DB and then scan the image again with 0.32.0+ which uses the cached db.
ryandens@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ge % TRIVY_TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
ryandens@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ge % ~/Downloads/trivy_0.34.0_macOS-ARM64/trivy --cache-dir $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR image --download-db-only
2022-11-07T17:04:36.630-0800 INFO Need to update DB
2022-11-07T17:04:36.630-0800 INFO DB Repository:
2022-11-07T17:04:36.630-0800 INFO Downloading DB...
2022-11-07T17:05:05.739-0800 FATAL init error: DB error: failed to download vulnerability DB: OCI artifact error: OCI artifact error: OCI repository error: Get "": dial tcp: lookup i/o timeout
ryandens@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ge %
ryandens@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ge % ~/Downloads/trivy_0.31.3_macOS-ARM64/trivy --cache-dir $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR image --download-db-only
2022-11-07T17:05:23.780-0800 INFO Need to update DB
2022-11-07T17:05:23.780-0800 INFO DB Repository:
2022-11-07T17:05:23.780-0800 INFO Downloading DB...
34.84 MiB / 34.84 MiB [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 7.98 MiB p/s 4.6s
ryandens@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ge % rm -rf $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR
What did you expect to happen?
Any version of trivy should be able to download the trivy db
What happened instead?
An older version of trivy must be used to scan an image first to cache the DB, which is burdensome.
Output of run with -debug
(paste your output here)
ryandens@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ge % ~/Downloads/trivy_0.34.0_macOS-ARM64/trivy --debug --cache-dir $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR image --download-db-only
2022-11-07T17:11:22.072-0800 DEBUG Severities: ["UNKNOWN" "LOW" "MEDIUM" "HIGH" "CRITICAL"]
2022-11-07T17:11:22.099-0800 DEBUG cache dir: /var/folders/c0/r4nk44951y14twd7j25r6h9h0000gn/T/tmp.i6E0Etc1
2022-11-07T17:11:22.099-0800 DEBUG There is no valid metadata file: unable to open a file: open /var/folders/c0/r4nk44951y14twd7j25r6h9h0000gn/T/tmp.i6E0Etc1/db/metadata.json: no such file or directory
2022-11-07T17:11:22.099-0800 INFO Need to update DB
2022-11-07T17:11:22.099-0800 INFO DB Repository:
2022-11-07T17:11:22.099-0800 INFO Downloading DB...
2022-11-07T17:11:22.099-0800 DEBUG no metadata file
2022-11-07T17:11:51.289-0800 FATAL init error:
- DB error:
- failed to download vulnerability DB:
- OCI artifact error:*Client).Download
- OCI artifact error:*Client).initOCIArtifact
- OCI repository error:
- Get "": dial tcp: lookup i/o timeout
Output of trivy -v
ryandens@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ge % ~/Downloads/trivy_0.34.0_macOS-ARM64/trivy -v
Version: 0.34.0
Vulnerability DB:
Version: 2
UpdatedAt: 2022-11-07 18:07:31.473970035 +0000 UTC
NextUpdate: 2022-11-08 00:07:31.473969535 +0000 UTC
DownloadedAt: 2022-11-08 00:09:19.37135 +0000 UTC
Additional details (base image name, container registry info…):
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments: 24 (3 by maintainers)
For those who reached here.
Trivy uses default docker permissions to download the database. so if you login to
and your token is expired the error will appears…