react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view: Can't scroll when input is in focus
I have set scrollEnabled={true}
so the whole form can scroll while you are filling it up. If I set focus on some TextInput scroll works, but if I type something and then I try scrolling while TextInput is in focus scroll doesn’t work. This was working in some older versions of the library.
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 7 years ago
- Reactions: 7
- Comments: 17
I still have this issue. Can’t scroll on Android when the keyboard is open. Works fine on iOS tho.
@malcevicius this module doesn’t have two
s.I will check this issue today.
Please test the new release and let me know if it solves this issue
PS: I’ve been taking some weeks out due to GH “maintainer burnout”. Please ping me if somebody wants to be added as collaborator into this repo. Soon it will live under a new APSL project called InterfaceKit for React Native.
I will check this out today, thanks for reporting!
Here a code sample:
The issue I have is: Can’t scroll when there is any content in TextInput (when it’s dirty). When its empty, no problem. This was not the case in previous versions of this lib.
Here is a video of issue
@johngoren my problem got solved when I rollback to v0.3.0, maybe it will work for you too.