coremltools: Segmentation fault during CoreML NMS

Hi team

I have created a model using the coremltools API. This takes the detections done by a YOLOv5 CNN ( converted from PyTorch to CoreML and does the following operations:

  • filters out predictions with objectness < 0.1
  • concatenates all the remaining predictions from different feature maps (generated for my case are 20x20, 40x40, 80x80)
  • slices xywh from the 8-dimensional YOLO prediction vector (i.e. x y w h o classx3)
  • slices confidence for all the three classes from the 8-dimensional YOLO prediction vector
  • multiples class confidence with objectness
  • sends these 2 tensors as input to the CoreML NMS

If I am showing the output of the tensors feeding into NMS (“slice_xywh_output” and “multiply_obj_conf_output”), these look like the following:

Shape of key slice_xywh_output
(1, 32, 4)
Data of key slice_xywh_output
[[[ 0.22485352  0.10229492 -0.58935547 -0.62695312]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [ 0.86621094  0.26000977  0.08728027  0.33251953]
  [-1.35449219  0.15258789  0.09832764  0.38842773]
  [ 0.28613281  0.1574707  -1.01953125 -0.796875  ]
  [-2.64648438  0.09161377 -1.03417969 -0.8203125 ]
  [ 0.84667969  0.2902832  -0.5234375   0.03759766]
  [-1.35351562  0.17749023 -0.49121094  0.08111572]
  [ 0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
  [ 0.33544922  0.17712402 -0.26904297 -0.42626953]
  [-2.36328125  0.33276367 -0.33203125 -0.51220703]
  [ 0.44677734 -2.09960938 -0.29321289 -0.52880859]
  [-0.30175781  1.50976562  0.22375488  0.23059082]
  [-0.52929688 -0.98681641  0.23474121  0.16210938]
  [ 0.54492188  0.37475586  1.33984375  3.04882812]
  [ 0.36499023  0.27441406 -0.69091797 -0.75634766]
  [-2.375       0.26928711 -0.67822266 -0.79638672]
  [ 0.54101562 -2.0546875  -0.70166016 -0.83154297]
  [-0.33911133  1.51953125 -0.30151367 -0.1673584 ]
  [ 1.81835938 -0.95898438 -0.18823242 -0.1619873 ]
  [-0.39160156 -0.99169922 -0.25439453 -0.24133301]
  [ 0.60986328  0.13586426  0.34594727  1.25488281]
  [-0.40820312  1.57617188 -0.92041016  0.27319336]
  [-0.37402344 -1.00976562 -0.90527344  0.24584961]
  [ 0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
  [ 0.3996582  -0.82910156  1.22265625  1.10742188]
  [ 0.50878906  1.27929688  0.00901031 -0.51855469]
  [ 0.17687988  0.84765625  1.88476562  2.375     ]
  [ 0.22387695 -0.90722656  1.93457031  1.92871094]
  [ 0.1920166   1.33789062 -0.06939697  1.67480469]
  [ 0.34277344 -0.66992188 -0.02412415  1.31542969]
  [ 0.          0.          0.          0.        ]]]
Shape of key multiply_obj_conf_output
(1, 32, 3)
Data of key multiply_obj_conf_output
[[[ -6.69376373   6.77657318 -12.07177734]
  [ -6.70858765   6.36968231  -8.99402618]
  [  7.53936768  -7.6975708   -9.77398682]
  [  6.46255493  -6.45073318  -7.97967911]
  [ -1.18617153   1.18326187  -2.25595665]
  [ -1.45161152   1.38298988  -1.9520216 ]
  [  8.32269287  -8.4524231  -10.12394714]
  [  6.39775085  -6.47781372  -7.074646  ]
  [  0.           0.           0.        ]
  [ -5.05448151   5.08499146  -5.42060089]
  [ -3.5579443    3.58856964  -3.909235  ]
  [ -3.24484062   3.00595665  -3.02586365]
  [ -4.54496384   4.41510773  -7.90267181]
  [ -7.25372314   7.07107544 -11.00234985]
  [  4.61853027  -4.69714355  -6.2722168 ]
  [ -4.49057007   4.47177124  -4.6456604 ]
  [ -3.77206802   3.68643188  -4.17170334]
  [ -3.68796921   3.64676285  -3.74790573]
  [ -6.08796692   5.90591049 -10.37721634]
  [ -0.74313879   0.73117495  -1.14116669]
  [ -9.19396973   9.21398926 -15.23486328]
  [  6.42531967  -6.49116707  -8.14428329]
  [ -5.39413643   5.56509018  -9.39154434]
  [ -7.76382446   8.20882416 -12.68722534]
  [  0.           0.           0.        ]
  [ -4.36952209  -3.31585693   3.15795898]
  [ -2.0806694   -1.78788662   1.93880558]
  [ -6.69223022   6.86398315  -7.12774658]
  [ -8.8374939    7.79048157  -9.8401413 ]
  [-11.71128082  12.10197449 -15.44669342]
  [-13.67028809  14.2027359  -18.90808868]
  [  0.           0.           0.        ]]]

However, sometimes, feeding these two tensors in a NMS layer like the following

    input_names=["slice_xywh_output", "multiply_obj_conf_output"],
    output_names=["raw_coordinates", "raw_confidence", "raw_indices", "num_boxes"],

triggers segmentation fault and the result looks wrong:

Shape of key raw_confidence
(1, 15, 3)
Data of key raw_confidence
[[[-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [-6.70858765  6.36968231 -8.99402618]
  [ 0.          0.          0.        ]]]
Shape of key raw_coordinates
(1, 15, 4)
Data of key raw_coordinates
[[[-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [-2.84179688  0.07049561 -0.58007812 -0.61083984]
  [ 0.          0.          0.          0.        ]]]
zsh: segmentation fault  python3

This has been tested on a 2020 MacBook Pro (16 GB RAM, 2.0 Ghz processor).


# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
coremltools               4.0b1                    pypi_0    pypi

Any thoughts on this?


About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions: 3
  • Comments: 16 (4 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@dlawrences I ran into this as well. The issue in my case (and very likely in your case) was that Yolo does not use a softmax but predicts probabilities for all the classes independently. This means that the probabilities for multiple classes can sum up to more than 1. CoreML’s NMS network expects the probabilities to sum to at most 1. When the sum exceeds 1 you get a crash (in my case when running on the Neural Engine on iOS).

PS edit: In what I wrote above I was maybe a bit overly confident that this is the same issue you are seeing. It very well might not be. But try limiting the predicted confidence values to sum to <= 1 before feeding them into the NMS layer and see if it fixes the crashes for you.