appium: WebDriverAgent starts but crashes on iOS 14.5.1 and Xcode 12.5

The problem

I am trying to run webdriveragent using the command “xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun”, the webdriveragent starts but it crashes with the below message, and I am not sure why.

zsh: terminated  /Applications/  -xctestrun


  • Appium version - 1.20.2
  • Last Appium version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable): NA
  • Desktop OS/version used to run Appium: MACOS BigSur - 11.2.3
  • Node.js version (unless using|exe): v12.18.3
  • Npm or Yarn package manager: NPM
  • Mobile platform/version under test: iOS/14.5.1
  • Real device or emulator/simulator: Real Device
  • Appium CLI or|exe: Appium CLI
  • Xcode version: 12.5


The webdriveragent successfully runs without crashing if I downgrade the Xcode version to 12.4 and iOS version below 14.5.

Link to Appium logs

Please advice.


About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments: 16

Most upvoted comments

i am having mac os: big sur 11.4 Xcode: 13.0 appium : 1.21.0 and m not able to launch the app either from automation or appium, getting error like Unable to start WebDriverAgent session because of xcodebuild failure: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not proxy command to the remote server. Original error: connect ECONNREFUSED

[](ur appium-server-logs.txt l)