appium: newCommandTimeout not working in Android/iOS for Appium 2.0.0-beta.46

Do I have the most recent component updates?

  • I use the most recent available driver/plugin and server versions

Is the component officially supported by the Appium team?

  • I have verified the component repository is present under the Appium organization in GitHub

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

I use Appium for automated testing on Android/iOS platforms. When creating a session, I set the newCommandTimeout to 1200. However, in actual testing, the corresponding session continues to exist for more than two days, and I can still see the session information through the /wd/hub/sessions endpoint.

Expected Behavior

The session automatically quit if no new commands are received after 1200 seconds.

Minimal Reproducible Example

It seems like this is not a consistent example. Set the newCommandTimeout to 1200 when creating the Appium session, but even after waiting for 1200 seconds and using the “get sessions” request, you found that the session is still active in the returned values.

I am unable to accurately reproduce the scenario as the corresponding error occurs during our CI/CD execution. However, I can provide the complete Appium log when the error occurred. Please click on the following gist link. After successfully creating the Appium session, a series of actions were performed, and then further operations on this session were stopped. However, another server requests the session list from this Appium server. The newCommandTimeout time is set to 20 minutes, but even after several hours or even a day or two, the session still persists.

(Gist link: Click Here)


  • Operating system:
  • Appium server version (output of appium --version):2.0.0-beta.46
  • Appium driver(s) and their version(s): xcuitest driver is 8.7.3
  • Appium plugin(s) and their version(s):
  • Node.js version (output of node --version):v14.18.0
  • npm version (output of npm --version):8.19.3
  • Last component(s) version which did not exhibit the problem: no sure, this is an intermittent issue.
  • Platform and version under test: MacOS 13.3.1
  • Real device or emulator/simulator: both of real device/emulator

Link to Appium Logs

Futher Information

when i get session list: image

When I get the specific session using this session ID… image

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments: 24 (9 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Hmm yeah a 0.001% failure rate is a bit hard to reproduce/diagnose.

I wrote a new test that proves getSessionDetails does not circumvent a driver timeout, at any rate.

OK thanks, I’ll investigate this