appium: iOS tests are suddenly failing: Response code 500. Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: Unable to start WebDriverAgent
I’m in the process of changing our test suite from sequential running to parallel. Without making any changes that I remember from yesterday the same commands to run the test suite are now failing. Running them in the original sequential way still seems fine but not sure how or why things are failing now all of a sudden.
One of my Appium yaml files:
port: 4733
- xcuitest
appium:wdaLocalPort: 8101
appium:derivedDataPath: ${DERIVED_DATA_PATH}
appium:showXcodeLog: true
- xcuitest version: 4.35.0
- Using Selenium Grid version: 4.16.1
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 7 months ago
- Comments: 25
Most upvoted comments
- Please do not mix different problems in a single issue report
- java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException is a client-specific exception. It has nothing to do with the server
mykola-mokhnach on Dec 18, 2023