apollo-client: Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided id but the store already contains an id of...

Hey, Today in one of my applications I found this issue. I’m not sure if this is a bug or desired behaviour because I couldn’t find any information about it in the documentation.

The fix is quite easy, just add id to the query without id.

So the question is: should every query has defined id for a resource? It seems to work without id but when there will be the next query with defined id, this error appears.

I’m asking because I have a few other cases where external API doesn’t have id so this problem can appear again in the future.

Intended outcome: Error shouldn’t appear and application should render data.

Actual outcome: Error appears

Network error: Error writing result to store for query 

query PokemonQuery($id: ID) { 
  Pokemon(id: $id) { 

Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided 
id but the store already contains an id of Pokemon:ciwnmyvxn94uo0161477dicbm 
for this object.

How to reproduce the issue: https://codesandbox.io/s/mom8ozyy9

Check checkbox in provided demo.


  • apollo-client@<1.6.0>

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 77
  • Comments: 62 (10 by maintainers)

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Most upvoted comments

Hey @hinok 👋

This error only should occur when you have made a query with an id field for a portion, then made another that returns what would be the same object, but is missing the id field.

We are planning on making this just a warning (instead of throwing) but it does help a lot to keep the id field included in queries that share fields

You may forgot to select id in your query.

                post(id: $postID) {
                    comments(pagination: $pagination) {
                        edges {
                            node {
                        pageInfo {

Are you guys planning on converting this to a warning rather than error as @jbaxleyiii mentioned. We’re getting this too - fine to bring back id’s but a warning would be preferable.

👍 this is a blocking error for me. Please fix

Should this issue be re-opened, and only closed after it’s made to be just a warning?

Currently, if you make a change to one query by adding an ID field, you could be breaking other parts of your app that you haven’t touched at all (because they use queries without ids and you used a query with an id)

This id issue caused some of our production pages failure too. I expect Apollo could do more than throw an error and break the whole page. An explicit configuration that indicates using a field like id as the key to share the resources would be good.

It seems like missing __typename on any level along side id field will also trigger this error

For what it’s worth, I don’t mind the current behavior, as long as it can be caught compile-time using a tool like apollo-codegen. The real issue here is that the scenarios that induce this error can be complex and missed by unit tests and quick human checks, but exist in real world usage.

For all the people still experiencing this issue-I’ve finally found out what is causing this issue. What helped to shed some light on it was switching from apollo-cache-inmemory to apollo-cache-hermes. I experimented with Hermes hoping to mitigate this ussue, but unfortunatelly it fails to update the cache the same as apollo-cache-inmemory. What is curious though is that hermes shows a very nice user friendly message, unlike apollo-cache-inmemory. This lead me to a revelation that cache really hits this problem when it’s trying to store an object type that is already in the cache with and ID, but the new object type is lacking it. So apollo-cache-inmemory should work fine if you are meticolously consistent when querying your fields. If you omit id field everywhere for a certain object type it will happily work. If you use id field everywhere it will work correctly. Once you mix queries with and without id that’s when cache blows up with this horrible error message.

This is not a bug-it’s working as intended, it’s just not documented anywhere-see this spec.

I’ve added a warning to the caching doc here: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/pull/4895

+1 on updateManySomething



Have a same problem 😃 Would like to see some solution…

I have the same problem here, no solution so far?

any update on this issue @jbaxleyiii ?


PSA: This can also happen if you try to write an object without an ID, as happened to me when I created an unauthenticated user by mutating with {accessToken} instead of {accessToken, id, ...rest}

This feels like a very important gotcha in using Apollo GQL that should be documented explicitly and obviously, and be added to standard Apollo linters. Can we add this to the docs?

I ran into this today, I added a new subquery somewhere and it broke my whole app because it’s a Next.js app which uses both SSR and CSR and depending on the cached data it would randomly crash.

For instance, refreshing a page with cmd+shift+r to erase cache would work fine (SSR) but then when navigating to another page (CSR) it would randomly crash THE WHOLE THING, depending on which page is loaded.

This definitely SHOULD NOT throw an exception, but rather a warning (as proposed in 2017). And it should be made obvious in the docs that all query must have an “id” field for Apollo to work properly.

Also, it’s very hard to debug. Especially because the error message isn’t always Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided id but the store already contains an id of but most of the time only Network error: Error writing result to store for query with the whole query behind… Quite complicated to understand what’s the issue at hand with such cryptic error messages.

I eventually added id everywhere, in all fragments and queries to avoid this, and it works fine now.

@alacret what if I don’t have ID on some of my object types?

I am sorry to say this, because I totally respect the work apollo team has done on apollo-client, but this issue is a shitshow. Excuse the profanity, but it seems that apollo team doesn’t think this is an actual bug. yet even the most experienced people like https://twitter.com/thekitze/status/1113871705498370049 keep running into problems here. They should either acknowledge this as a bug or they should amend documentation with a big red warning that you absolutely need to include id or _id field in all of the object types you query. The docs only mention regarding this topic I found is here: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/advanced/caching#normalization and there it is claimed that there is a fallback. From that I would expect that cache handles even such results correctly and without any issues whatsoever.

For all the people like me who still get this error daily on production apps where they can’t magically add id field everywhere I’ve wrote this terrible hack that you can add to your apps that will at least keep your react app from breaking:

window.onunhandledrejection = async (error) => {
  if (error.reason && error.reason.message && error.reason.message.match(/Error writing result to store for query/)) {

       * THIS is nasty and hacky, but it's the best mitigation for the apollo-client problem that we've got.
       * If we can't stop apollo-client to choke on these errors so often, we should just migrate every graphQL query/mutation to urql

      const rootEl = document.getElementById('appRoot') // obviously modify according to your DOM

      console.log('apollo caches reset, remounting the app')


We can’t use it in our projects with having this error.

@cecchi thanks for that visitor/linter! I dropped it into a graphql-code-generator plugin: https://github.com/homebound-team/graphql-id-linter cc @capaj

This eventually became enough of a pain in the neck that we wrote a validation rule/linter to ensure the “id” field was present in every possible GraphQL selection set. This rule is intended to be used with the GraphQL validation APIs.

Screen Shot 2020-04-24 at 8 26 10 AM

Our implementation is wrapped up in some other tooling but these are the relevant bits:

function IdOnObjectSelectionSetRule(context: ValidationContext): ASTVisitor {
    * Given a set of SelectionNodes from a SelectionSet, ensure "id" is included.
  function selectionSetIncludesId(selectionNodes: readonly SelectionNode[]) {
    return selectionNodes.some(selectionNode => {
      switch (selectionNode.kind) {
        case 'Field':
          return selectionNode.name.value === 'id'

        // Fragments have their own selection sets. If they do not include an "id",
        //   we will catch it when we visit those selection sets.
        case 'FragmentSpread':
        case 'InlineFragment':
          return true

    * Walk the AST and inspect every SelectionSetNode. Every SelectionSet must include an "id"
    *   field, if one exists. It can include it directly, or as part of a fragment.
    * See: https://graphql.org/graphql-js/language/#visit
  return {
    SelectionSet(node: SelectionSetNode) {
      let type = context.getType()

      // Unwrap NonNull types
      if (isNonNullType(type)) {
        type = type.ofType

      // Ensure this is an object type (meaning it has fields)
      if (!isObjectType(type)) {
        return undefined

      const possibleFieldsIncludesId = 'id' in type.getFields()

      if (possibleFieldsIncludesId && !selectionSetIncludesId(node.selections)) {
          new GraphQLError(
            `Missing \"id\" field in \"${type.name}\"`,
            // N.B. In our implementation we pass in the source location as well for more
            //  useful errors.
            location ? [location] : undefined

      return undefined

Usage is something like this:

import { loadSchema, loadDocuments } from '@graphql-toolkit/core'

function validate(schemaAst: GraphQLSchema, sources: Source[]) {
  let errors: GraphQLError[] = []

  sources.forEach(source => {
    if (source.document) {
      errors = errors.concat(
        // If you want pretty errors, also make "source.location" available to the IdOnObjectSelectionSetRule
        validateGraphQL(schemaAst, source.document, [IdOnObjectSelectionSetRule])

  return errors

// Load the schema and documents
const [schemaAst, documents] = await Promise.all([
  loadSchema(/*... your schema ...*/, {
    loaders: [new UrlLoader()]
  loadDocuments(/*... your documents ...*/, {
    loaders: [new GraphQLFileLoader()],
    skipGraphQLImport: true

const errors = validate(schemaAst, documents)

Looks like this is addressed in Apollo Client 3, specifically this PR from Ben to remove that error https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/pull/5904

Here’s the repro using "@apollo/client": "3.0.0-beta.44", no longer erroring https://codesandbox.io/s/github/cheapsteak/test-ac-cache-store-bug/tree/master/?file=/src/index.js

A plugin sounds like a good idea. We use graphql-codegen too, but we run them in series: validate followed by codegen. Since graphql-codegen uses @graphql-toolkit under the hood we’re able to load the schema and documents once for both steps, using graphql-codegen’s programmatic API.

If there’s enough interest I can publish the validate fn as a standalone package.

The Stackoverflow answer pointed to in this issue is actually the sensible one and actually solves this issue, which is not a bug by the way. I think this needs to be documented somewhere. In a nutshell: make sure to add id to all subselections of your queries this makes sure the cache identifies queries and selections properly… notice this has nothing to do with following a certain pattern whether you put ids somewhere else or not, it’s just that simple; put ids for sub-selections and to add to that especially for ones that recurse!

@capaj @Abhijeetjaiswalit just put the ID in all the Types, and that will solve the issue

Yeah me too, not sure why these issues keep getting closed. BTW this is a bug. If you require id field to be present in the query and you cannot cache it if it’s not there then sensible thing to do would be to show a warning. Not an error.

Find this stack overflow can resolve my problem.

will there be a warning published? it’s not practical for all objects to have an id attribute

@capaj That’s a super hack bro.

I think that just apollo-client is not so battle-tested as other libraries. I’m assuming that the decision was based on the fact that using id or _id is pretty much a standard nowadays, and this was more relevant for the implementation of the cache than anything else.

But it makes sense that by now this should be just a warning and not an error, or maybe allow to skip any caching check, or to allow setting a different field name as the key for the cache.

having this error

same problem

  query PreviewResourceSearch($cat: [String!], $zips: [String], $page:Int) {
    searchResourcesPaged(categories: $cat, zipCodes: $zips, page: $page, perpage: 3) {
      resources {
function loadMore(data, path, page) {
  return data.fetchMore({
    variables: {
      page: page,
    updateQuery(previousResult, { fetchMoreResult }) {
      const more = fetchMoreResult[path].resources;

      return {
        [path]: {
          resources: [ ...previousResult[path].resources, ...more],
          numPages: previousResult.numPages,
          numResults: previousResult.numResults,
          keywords: previousResult.keywords,
          __typename: previousResult.__typename

{…}​_a: undefined​_c: Array []​_d: true​_h: 2​_n: false​_s: 2​_v: Error​​columnNumber: 36​​fileName: "http://localhost:3000/static/js/36.chunk.js"​​lineNumber: 29644​​message: "Error writing result to store for query:
 query PreviewResourceSearch($cat: [String!], $zips: [String], $page: Int) {
  searchResourcesPaged(categories: $cat, zipCodes: $zips, page: $page, perpage: 3) {
    resources {
Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided typename but the store already contains an object with typename of EsResourceSearchType for the object of id $ROOT_QUERY.searchResourcesPaged({\"categories\":[\"Bill\"],\"page\":1,\"perpage\":3,\"zipCodes\":[]}). The selectionSet that was trying to be written is:
searchResourcesPaged(categories: $cat, zipCodes: $zips, page: $page, perpage: 3) {
  resources {
}"​​stack: "./node_modules/apollo-cache-inmemory/lib/writeToStore.js/StoreWriter</StoreWriter.prototype.writeFieldToStore@http://localhost:3000/static/js/36.chunk.js:29869:17
"​​type: "WriteError"​​<prototype>: Object { … }​<prototype>: Object { … } Resources.js:118

except it does update the cache, but the component does not receive the new props untill a different action takes place. say a mutation. I noticed this because i have an unrelated query that polls the server, when the query runs this component updates and shows the load more results.

I have also tried to refetch from the cache directly

      setTimeout(() => {
              fetchPolicy: 'cache-only'
      }, 0);

Updated to @apollo/client v3.4.5, still had the issue. Would break my entire React component. Resolved it by making sure that nested data in the schema has the ID field (whatever the field is named) queried as well, e.g.

query {
  listOrder {
    customer {
       _id  <= YES, THIS IS NEEDED.

Be careful include __typename or avoid it if you’re testing with MockProvider. But in some cases you have to include __typename allowing it in the MockProvider

I think the biggest that bothers me with this error is that it doesn’t seem to fire the onError error link when it occurs, unlike traditional GraphQL errors.

@bennypowers shoot, I missed your comment, but I’d forgotten to make the `@homebound/graphql-id-linker~ npm module public; it should work now.

@cecchi thanks for that visitor/linter! I dropped it into a graphql-code-generator plugin: https://github.com/homebound-team/graphql-id-linter cc @capaj

Looks like this wasn’t published yet?

npm ERR! code E404 npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET https://registry.npmjs.org/@homebound%2Fgraphql-id-linter - Not found npm ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 ‘@homebound/graphql-id-linter@latest’ is not in the npm registry. npm ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)

@cecchi wow, this is amazing work! Someone should take that code and turn it into a code into a graphql-codegen plugin

I have a similar issue when an alias is used for the ID field:


query GetService ($id: ID!) {
    service(id: $id) {
        # list of account
        providers {
            id: provider_id
            firstName: first_name
            lastName: last_name

    self: account {
        # if I don't use an alias here it worked even when MyProviderAccount didn't include the `provider_id`
        id: provider_id

query MyProviderAccount {
    account {
        provider_id # using the same alias here would fix the problem

When I try to run the MyProviderAccount query after GetService I would get the error:

Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided id but the store already contains an id of ProviderType:501 for this object

I wasn’t expecting that when I use an alias for a field, I have to use the same alias everywhere so that cache would work

Edit: It’s related to the id key not the alias. Using different aliases would still resolve data from cache if it’s available:

query QueryA {
    account {
        firstName: first_name

query QueryB {
    account {
        name: first_name

Running the above queries in sequence - first A then B (or reverse) would not make a 2nd request, but resolve the 2nd query from cache

@wfsovereign , your answer enlighten a better picture, that is, just put id on every query or subquery that has an id field. Thanks 👍🏼

Is there a clear fix for this that (maybe) can simply show a warning if you try to run a graphl query without id defined? A bunch of people on my team have independently stumbled across this issue and it always takes about a day to figure out and resolve. If apollo-client could at least throw a warning when there is no id set on the query, at least we could create an automated ticket warning the developer that their query may (will) cause a bug. I/we would be very happy to support any efforts in this direction.

This error is odd. It made one of our queries fail despite the fact that the query itself was just fine. There are valid cases for making similar nested queries where one has id and the other doesn’t. It’s good that we are warned that Apollo is unable to update the store but it shouldn’t break the app.