pymoo: Setting a starting solution in Pymoo does not work

Hi all,

I want to use a starting solution for pymoo in the algorithms NSGA2. For that I have the following code

intial_solution = ICSimulation.simulateDays_ConventionalControl()
algorithm = NSGA2(
    crossover=SBX(prob=0.7, eta=20),

algorithm.setup(problem, x0=intial_solution )

So i just create an initial_solution by using an external file that returns an x vector that is the vector of decision variables in pymoo for the evalutation. Then I add algorithm.setup(problem, x0=intial_solution ). When adding this line, the algorithm does not seem to terminate or to generally show some outputs. Further, in the evaluation method I can clearly see, that the algorithm, even in the first iteration, does not use the inital_solution as all solutions in the first iteration are just randomly generated as if there is no inital_solution.

So I want to know, how can I tell pymoo to use the inital_solution as a good starting point for the optimization instead of just radomly initiallyzing the inital solutions?

About this issue

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  • State: closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments: 23 (2 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@PBerit Sorry for the misunderstood your question. You can check the default parameters in nsga2 algorithm here: