antlr4: Sample doesn't work on Windows environment.
I was trying the first V4 example from the “Getting started page”.
Java files were generated and compiled but I have no success, because obtained “Can’t load Hello as lexer or parser” while calling TestRig.
C:\programming\Java\libraries\ANTLR 4.0>antlr4.bat Hello.g4
C:\programming\Java\libraries\ANTLR 4.0>java -cp antlr-4.0-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool Hello.g4
C:\programming\Java\libraries\ANTLR 4.0>javac -cp antlr-4.0-complete.jar Hello*.java
C:\programming\Java\libraries\ANTLR 4.0>run Hello r -tree
C:\programming\Java\libraries\ANTLR 4.0>java -cp antlr-4.0-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig Hello r -tree
Can't load Hello as lexer or parser
C:\programming\Java\libraries\ANTLR 4.0>dir
23.01.2013 00:28 <DIR> .
23.01.2013 00:28 <DIR> ..
22.01.2013 21:37 1 216 230 antlr-4.0-complete.jar
22.01.2013 21:38 554 786 antlr-4.0.tar.gz
22.01.2013 21:38 242 694 antlr-runtime-4.0.jar
23.01.2013 00:18 <DIR> antlr4-4.0
23.01.2013 00:20 52 antlr4.bat
23.01.2013 00:25 235 Hello.g4
23.01.2013 00:31 31 Hello.tokens
23.01.2013 00:31 794 HelloBaseListener.class
23.01.2013 00:31 656
23.01.2013 00:31 2 512 HelloLexer.class
23.01.2013 00:31 2 471
23.01.2013 00:31 31 HelloLexer.tokens
23.01.2013 00:31 304 HelloListener.class
23.01.2013 00:31 258
23.01.2013 00:31 869 HelloParser$RContext.class
23.01.2013 00:31 3 026 HelloParser.class
23.01.2013 00:31 2 620
23.01.2013 00:24 68 run.bat
The content of grammar file I’ve just copy-pasted from web page.
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 11 years ago
- Comments: 44 (17 by maintainers)
I’m having a similar problem and can’t figure out what’s wrong. Help anyone?
hahahah. no problem. Good luck!
I seem to get the same error as you. I run antlr4 command on Hello file, the Hello*.java files are created, I compile them, and when i run grun I get the message Can’t load Hello as lexer or parser. Any suggestions on how to fix this ? Hello.g4 has the grammar available on antlr website.